I've been wanting to try a tribes role play. It would work like a nations rp but smaller. You would control/role play a tribe of 30 - 60 people living in the world of Arkhalla. Technilogy is roughly at the level of medieval england when the vikings were around. You have huts, fire, but farming isn't common yet. Magic is present but not too powerful. Magic is used to control the elements (a bit like avatar:TLA). Magic users normally act as the priests for their tribe, however their may be exceptions to this. To help balance the tribes I have a perk system. You get 11 points to spend on your tribe. Perks(name, cost): [list] [*][b]Warriors blood 2[/b] - Your tribe are warriors even the weakest members know how to use a blade. Every member (except children) acts as a warrior.[/*] [*][b]Mounted 2[/b] - Your tribe have tamed rideable beasts. You have cavalry and faster transport.[/*] [*][b]Hunters 2[/b] - Your tribe are better at hunting animals able to bring down even the largest of prey.[/*] [*][b]Gatherers 1[/b] - Your tribe excel at gathering food. When others find nothing they find bounty.[/*] [*][b]Smiths 3[/b] - Your tribe are skilled at using a forge, you have worked out how to make weak metal armor.[/*] [*][b]Agriculture 3[/b] - Your tribe have worked out how to plant crops and harvest them.[/*] [*][b]Builders 3[/b] - Your tribe are skilled builders, finishing things quicker than other tribes.[/*] [*][b]Oremasons 4[/b] - Your tribe has Oremasons. Oremasons are gifted with the ability to command rock by the gods. Moving rubble or diggin holes is nothing for them.[/*] [*][b]Wyntersmiths 4[/b] - Your tribe has Wyntersmiths. Wyntersmiths are gifted with the power to control ice. Their tribes are less affected by winter and hidden with snow storms.[/*] [*][b]Warg 4[/b] - Your tribe has Wargs. Wargs are able to possess animals for short periods of time. They can also influence them without possession.[/*] [*][b]Emberfist 4[/b] - Your tribe has Emberfists. Emberfists are able to create fire, warming their tribe or burning the enemy.[/*] [*][b]Relic 4[/b] - Your tribe possess an unusual item.[/*] [/list] The sheet for your tribe would look something like this: Name: Size: Small history/background: Jobs(how does your tribe divide up the work?): Perks: Example: Name: The jondars Size: 35 Small history/background: The jondars are a tribe from the northern mountains. They get by via hunting mamoth and storing things they've foraged. A violent tribe they frequently attack neighbouring tribes for food or slaves. In winter they hide in their mountain caves kept warm by their Torchling leader. Jobs: 8 children. 2 Oremasons. 7 gatherers. 17 hunters/warriors. 1 Emberfist. Perks: Oremasons, Torchling, Hunters [hider=Map of the world][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/266/0/3/blank_fantasy_map_by_froggybre-d2zbtgr.jpg[/img][/hider] So who's interested? Suggestions are welcome aswell.