Excel let out a deep sigh. The woman had nothing for him. As he prepared to head in the opposite direction, she called to his attention, this time having a question for him. He closed his eyes, "To be honest, I'm not too familiar with this place myself. But, I'm on my way to Plegia. Provided I don't have awful direction insight, it shouldnt be too far from where we stand." Excel nodded, flashing a quick smile towards the woman. His eyes scanned over her. She didn't have too much armor, but she seemed like a fighter. Maybe she was a swords woman of some sort. Excel pressed on.[b] "I'm surprised a woman like you had been able to endure the heat. Or perhaps it's just greater to me due to me coming from Ferox. Anyway, you shouldn't just go around alone." [/b] Excel drew his sword, hoping to show off a bit. He wasn't the type to do so, but he had to admit he was getting bored. He also wanted to see if his hypothesis was correct and she was some sort of sword fighter.[b]"I've got some food and don't mind sharing the rest of it. And we can go and hunt for water, no problem at all!"[/b] He pointed is sword towards where she'd come from, suggesting they check over there.