Jurano: Fort knocked on his door and he opened it for him with a flick of the wrist still laying in bed. "What's up Fort?" he asked curiously. "Well, i need your assistance in the next battle. Apparently Koat and Avantina Light-bringer are going to be participating, so we need you. At least then we wont lose much ground, you are the oldest Bringer child after all." Fort replied. Jurano sat up and stretched his muscles and with a massive grin he simply said, "Where and when my friends?" Fort smiled, knowing he was bored and ready to put his training to use. "Come, we leave right now, for if we don't soon we may be put at a disadvantage." "Alrighty then, let's go" They exited the castle, Jurano not telling anyone were he was going, for he knew his mother knew but he didn't want Maria to worry about him. They made their way onto a steam powered machine and made their way to the Foward camp and started planning strategies for defence. Koat: When Reen arrived she was slightly suprised at the order her father had given, but she was ready to proceed. "Now, now Reen, you know i can't go anywhere without you by my side," She smiled, "And on the note of comrades, I'll happily take Ryan along just to annoy you that little bit and I don't see your problem with him, he's almost similar to you but much more....what's the word.... AH-HA! Carefree." Reen just grumbled in repsonse and looked back at the two males next to her. "So shall we be off, we have a war to win. Hopefully they don't suspect anything and that Jurano person won't be there." "Reports say that the dark-bringer children haven't been notified so we may have a chance of not running into him, and i doubt Maria will be there, she is young after all."