[center]Theow was the first to take his leave from the city hall, jumping into action before the first cries of the assaulting monsters had faded and the mayor had urged the champions to battle. If there was one thing Theow could still find pleasure in after all it was the exhilaration that came with battle and he wasn't about to let that exhilaration pass him by. His mailed feet threw up rainwater as he ran through the increasingly soaked streets, the clatter he created nearly drowned out by the continued cries of the ever encroaching undead mass. It didn't take much time for him to arrive at the town gate, spying his fellow companion and a woman armed with a blade most would consider out of place on her person. Theow suspected this was the Mother Fran that the mayor had spoken of earlier. He recalled possibly having met her at one point in the past but quickly pushed that line of thought out of his head. He had combat to focus on after all. There were certainly a large number of monstrous constructs approaching the city, though the majority of them bothered Theow little despite their gruesome appearances and equally gruesome weapons. His focus flew immediately to the largest of their number, the quadrupedal monstrosity that was making much of the noise, and he adjusted his course to bring him on a head on collision course with the beast. He passed the two defenders at the gate in a blur, twin great swords already unsheathed, and quickened his pace into a full sprint as two of the lesser abominations shambled their way into his path, no doubt meaning to cut him off from his intended target. This was a mistake on their part as it turned out. Digging the heel of his left foot into the ground before him, Theow turned his sprint into a pivot, using the momentum to bring the full force of both great swords across from his right in a horizontal slash a few feet in front of the two monsters. The first abomination lost its left arm at the elbow and it's head followed suit as the highest of Theow's strikes cleaved through it's neck, silencing it's groans and cries. Carried on by the force of the strike and Theow's own momentum the newly re-dead corpse barreled into the second creature, knocking it clean off it's feet and driving it to the ground where the body of it's fallen comrade pinned it to the ground for the time being. Any immediate obstacles cleared from his path, Theow completed his pivot and continued on his course for the four legged construct, flicking his great swords once as he ran to clean them of blood and other foul substances. It vaguely occurred to him that he should probably wait for his fellow companions but at that point he was already preparing to cleave the creature's legs out from under it so he filed it under a list of things to think about after he won the day.[/center]