Jurano noticed the commotion going on in the next room and he went to investigate only to find a new figure and Mike holding him against the wall. When Nari and X told them that they vouched for the new figure he walked into the hallway and into his room. He walked in trying his best not to trip over and found his swords on his bed. Both were broken at different points, he picked them up and threw them into a bin on the other side of the room, he changed out of his torn clothes and put on a suit that closely resembled a school uniform but it was designed with his special colours. He looked in the mirror, he still couldn't get over the sudden change in hair colour. He sat down at the piano in the corner and started playing something to calm his nerves,([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAkoDHYpJLo]The song he is currently playing[/url]) he didn't notice when Koat entered the room. After he finished he turned around finding Koat standing in the door, she got changed into a crew members uniform. "Hey there." She said to him, knowing he was depressed about losing his wings, he only played that song in times of sadness. "Hey..." Jurano replied to her, he stood up and fell onto his bed, "Well this kinda sucks, first time we see each other in, what seven years? and you see me get close to death in the same day." "Atleast we can see each other again, and I need to talk to, uh Mike I think?" she asked "Yeah you may aswell, he would like to know what you know." he answered in kind "Heh, maybe I can talk to his sister aswell, she's kinda cute." she teased "You have a thing for Sashia? you've only known her for about eight hours." "So? Just cause I have a thing for girls, so is there some sort of relationship i should know about?" She teased He sighed, "I'd rather not share that information, if i spill and it gets out ill be the laughing stock of the ship." he almost smiled. She gasped in disgust, "What? don't trust your dear sister? I did help your ships doctor with saving your butt." "Nope. You should go talk to Mike." He said burying his face in his bed. Koat sighed and exited the room and made her way to the infirmary where she was told she could find Mike. When she enetered she found Mike holding someone to the wall, X and Nari were trying to calm him down so she waited it out before asking Mike. "I heard that you may want to talk with me?"