Fury tightened his grip with all his might, feeling the subtle shift as he was able to pierce the shield and really clamp down on the Hero’s body. The General obliged by doing the same, but so long as Fury was in such close contact he could constantly leech energy from the human, and that same energy was being used to protect him as best as it could from the General’s own forceful grip. They flew at break neck speeds through the city, and Fury caught sight of a sky-scraper before he felt their momentum significantly shift and the noticeable change of forces acting upon him alerted him (as an advanced flyer himself.) that they were descending quickly towards the ground. Fury didn’t like the idea of being used as a cushion for that particularly unpleasant sounding collision. His grip tightened from his right side, energy pulsing through the arm and causing it to shake with pent up force. He had barely moments to react, and as soon as he felt he was ready he let loose a strong blast of energy through his right hand, which counter-acted the downwards and forward momentum of the hero just enough so that they tilted, Fury no longer pointed straight down. What the Fireen had not accounted for, was that they weren’t going to hit the ground. If that were the case, his powerful blast may have put him into a superior position for their imminent collision, but instead he was only half done with the revolution when suddenly the duo ploughed into a bear. Blood and flesh scraped away, as if cleaved by some hefty axe, from his exposed right shoulder, which took the full brunt of his personal collision with the bear. He couldn’t be certain if his move had been enough to ensure the Hero also suffered some damage crashing into it, but regardless the Fireen slid across the bear’s massive back, roaring in anger and dim pain as he separated from the General somehow in the confusion, either from one or both of them losing grip or letting go. The Fireen bounced, full bodily, and launched off the side of the creature, crashing through a window on the opposite side of the street and disappearing in an explosive collision with a supply closet within. His mind swimming with incredible pain, his armour shattered and his flesh lacerated and cut in multiple places, the Fireen began to feel the residual pull of an unearthly force. It tapped into his anger, drawing out reserves he didn’t quite know he had, but as he lay there amidst broken chairs and the remains of one valiant Henry the hoover, he refused to give into his baser form just yet…