All the while that these two were fighting, however, Sukoh was consuming the dead. The only warning that Sukoh had for the oncoming pain was a slight tingle on the back of is neck. Before he could figure it out, however, a great deal of force slashed his backside in one quick movement. It was a moment after he saw something go flying off in whichever direction that he noticed something was wrong. In fact, something hurt. What? It hurt a lot! Sukoh realized pretty quickly that he has been injured, and he let out a loud groan of pain. No, not a roar of anger. What happens if you fall on your ass? You say ow. This was like that, except instead of falling all of the force was just in his tailbone. It's as though his entire backside had been hit, the pain was a wide and pulsating burn. Having been caught off guard by the sudden slash on his bottom he laid down on his stomach and sniffled into the ground. To be honest, this was both an excruciatingly painful experience, and somewhat of an existential crisis. Why was Sukoh so hated, he is a nice bear! He doesn't attack people without reason, in fact he doesn't attack much of anything. Now, Sukoh laid there and looked about. The two of them had went off somewhere else, and that's not Sukoh's problem. Really. But he was about to make it his problem. They had hurt Sukoh twice in a short period of time, and to be honest Sukoh was rather upset.He was going to get up and go find them, and then whichever one was closest he was going to get revenge. After his bottom stops hurting, of course.