With a very beastly grow, Mike drop Seth onto the floor and said "Fine, but I don't trust him. Nari, you will be keeping an eye on him during his time", he looked at Koat when she enter thought Sashia beat him to the first word "You look so sexy in that outfit Koat" She said with a wink at her before Mike ahem and looked at Koat. "Come to the bridge Koat and we will talk there, Nari, you bring your friend as well and can some grab the prisoner Prozast as well. I want to have a talk with you guys about this ship and what I'm going to do with you" Mike then left the room to go to the bridge, his metallic dragon wing closed behind him. Hell: Samuel appeared on the throne of hell as he looked out at the army he had before he looked at Sore and said "I have return Sore, those foolish supernatural thought they were doing something big". He then looked around and flexed his hand "I trust killing Satan was not too hard for you, my loyal second in command" Samuel asked him calmly.