I apologize if it's a bit too much. Let me know if anything needs to be changed! [b]Name:[/b] Abraham "Abe" Tobias [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Appearance:[/b] Abraham is slightly above average height for a male of his age. Traveling as he does has kept him in nearly peak physical shape. Light brown hair falls down to his shoulders, naturally sweeping to the left with one braided strand hanging from the right. He keeps his beard trimmed neatly with his knife. His time spent in the sun has left him with a tan skin tone and a slightly lighter hair color than would be natural. His age is shown in his face and his occupation denoted from body features: keen physical health, scarring from tussles with wild animals and the occasional bandit, and calloused hands from his skinning and hunting. Notable Features: Scarred claw marks from his left forearm down to his half-missing pinky finger from a hunt gone south and a tattoo on the under side of his right forearm. The tattoo holds his family crest and home village crest in a circle for identification were he to come down a terrible case of the deads. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][indent]- The Huntsman: Abraham is a hunter through and through and has been for 20+ years. Given this time, he's garnered an impressive competence with tracking and archery, the two traits most vital to his livelihood. - The Survivor: Time spent roaming the forests, wastelands, and marshes has taught Abraham how to take care of himself. Harsh conditions, poison fruits, and dangerous creatures are not too often fretted over. - The Wanderer: In his 30 or so years spent traveling the lands, Abraham has become a sort of natural explorer. He's got a great sense of direction and can easily navigate the areas between quite a few communities. - The Connected: Traveling from commune to commune has given Abraham a large list of connections were he to need any information or certain services. [/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent]- Partially filled, large leather satchel with multiple pockets for furs, food, and other trinkets and items valuable in trades or survival. - Long, quality bow and quiver full of arrows. - 2 Flasks of water for the long trips. - Multi-purpose knife (not necessarily a combat knife, just a tool)[/indent] [b]History:[/b][indent]Abraham was born and raised fairly normal under the conditions people live in these days. He is a hunter and trader, like his father before him and his father before him and his father before him. Once he was of age, Abraham's father showed him the tricks of the trade: tracking, skinning, aiming, and survival in the wilderness. They would go on hunts together and travel to nearby communes. The merchants and traders of the local communities were familiar with the Tobias hunters and welcomed the young Huntsman-in-training.Years pass and Abraham's father grows sick and too weak to continue the hunt. From then, at the age of 18, Abraham officially took over as the new Tobias Huntsman. Two more years. Abraham finds himself at the strong age of 20, traveling down a beaten road leading to a fairly distant community, one that isn't visited by his family quite as often as many others, but visited nonetheless. It's not often Abraham runs into civilians traveling these roads. Most people who aren't bandits, guarded merchants, or militia these days tend to stay close to the confines of their (usually) well protected homes. This day was different. On this day, Abraham passed a group of 3: A woman and two men. One man dressed in fairly nice clothing denoting a high class profession, a risky choice to be walking this road with no guardsmen. If Abraham were a more...immoral individual, he would find himself with a nice new coat and if he's lucky some of the luxury spices he'd been hearing so much about. But alas, he was raised better. The other two seemed to be simple folk wearing simple clothing. The group passed by the young Huntsman without so much as a glance. A few hours of walking and Abraham pops open a flask as he takes a rest on a fallen tree by the side of the road. Looking out over the embankment, he notices something. Something small, but...moving. He docks an arrow on his bow in the hopes he'd found a nice rabbit and begins creeping down the hill for an opening. As he draws closer, a noise denotes that it is no rabbit, but a child. An infant, wrapped in a blanket, placed underneath a tree. He lowers his weapon as he approaches. Nothing else around. No tracks indicating movement further into the wilderness, only back up the embankment towards the road. Abraham picks up the still very-much-alive infant and unwraps him a bit. "[b]Not much of a looker, eh?"[/b] He scanned the area once more. Still nobody. He ponders for a moment before settling on his gut feeling as he wraps the kid tightly, ties his bow to his satchel and heads off with the kid down the road. After reaching the nearest community, Abraham tells the story to a local blacksmith he was bartering with. Abraham, being at a young age himself, in the middle of a slightly perilous journey, realizes he cannot tend to the kid safely while on the road and leaves the child in the care of the Blacksmith before heading on his way to the next community. Fast forward 19 years. Abraham is now 39 years old. He has a sweetheart back in his home village, though not yet married and still no children. He's been hunting for over 20 years now and has nearly perfected his art. He finds himself on the road again with only his usual belongings. Tracking a herd on a detour to the nearest town.[/indent] [b]Psychological Profile:[/b][indent]Abraham doesn't spend much time around a lot of people. Having spent the majority of his life traveling the wilderness with nothing but the trees and the wind, he's grown accustomed to the serenity of solitude. He prefers to work alone, not due to mistrust or tragic events, but out of comfort. Being alone in the wilderness also leaves a man with a lot of time to think. It makes for a quiet individual. As such, when he is actually around people, he's more of a listener than a speaker. Though he finds himself longing for the touch of his sweetheart or the laughter of his friends back home, Abraham finds value in solitude. Perhaps in the older days he would have been diagnosed with a sort of psychological antisocial disorder, but here? Here, he is just a quiet man who often keeps to himself making an honest living off of hard work. He's no thief. He's no corrupt merchant. And he's no immoral hound roaming the lowlands. No, he is merely a roaming huntsman keeping an eye out for the next catch or commune.[/indent] [b]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/b][indent] - [/indent]