"Captain, our 'prisoner' as you bluntly put it suffered a mental strain from whatever it was that was controlling him. It's he won't be awake for a while still." X told Mike, following him to the bridge as he did. Prisoner or no, it was X's duty to see to the health of everyone on board, without exception. It was clear that the captain was quite upset, and that made X quite concerned about his decision-making abilities being effected. He then noticed Mina trying to get up, and immediately rushed towards her. "Please try to relax, Mina. You still haven't completely recovered. ...Whatever it was that attacked all of you apparently didn't pull any punches." He said to her. ------------------- As Samuel appeared on the throne, The demons cheered, Jack Hell laughed in excitement, and Sore Saige simply bowed to him. "...I welcome you home, my liege. I'm glad to see the plan was a success." He said to him as he appeared. He then heard Samuel mention the Supernatural beings. "To be fair, my lord, they did do something quite important: They released you from your prison." He said to him. He then heard Samuel ask about how the killing of Satan went. ...Ah yes, it was unfortunate, but he did recall the order to assassinate the great demon lords before Samuel was sealed the first time. ...However... "Unfortunately, that was the only order I had to decline. ...You, I, and the Great Demon Lords, are eight of nine rulers of the nine Circles of Hell. We are each connected to each circle, and so I deduced it would be...unfortunate, possibly disastrous, especially as you were still contained in that orb, to eliminate one of them. Though you are now here freed from your shackles, and can sustain the entirety of the realm. But rather than eliminate them, I convinced them to serve you instead. You are, after all, the incarnation of our home. Fortunately, that was successful, and so all of hell, save for the first circle, is completely under your control." Sore explained.