Measha looked around the guild hall for a moment, at first glance it appeared to look like a normal tavern. There was a bar with a number of patrons talking amongst themselves. Had he walked into the wrong building? He explored for a moment, and spotted a job board. Sadly, it seemed any jobs available were already taken, except for what appeared to be an S-Class mission. His heart was burning and his entire body was ready to get started, but this was his first day here. He couldn't possibly handle the likes of an S-Class mission, plus the fact he wasn't even a member at the moment. Was everyone off at some initiation ceremony? Was he too late? A wave of sadness and disappointment overcame him, but he refused to give up. He decided to look about for the Guildmaster, but didn't want to walk around the building aimlessly, doing so would get him nowhere, and would be disrespectful to the guild in his eyes. At the bar, a lady was serving food and drinks to the patrons, and appeared to be in charge for the time being, Measha was too excited and in a rush to get started he had yet to consider that she could in fact be the Guildmaster, he walked up to the bar and locked eyes with the girl, [b]"Excuse me miss, my name is Measha Kenomoeru, I have traveled far and wide, carrying the pride and honor of my family, and now I am here to join the Azure Dragon! I would very much appreciate it if you could direct me to the Guildmaster, as I am eager to prove my power and worth so I may begin my first mission, I apologize if I have interrupted your work, and will assist you if need be after I complete my mission."[/b] Measha spoke loud and proudly, standing up straight in a uniform like fashion, he awaited the girls response.