Name: Trishkas Size: 45 citizens, 15 slaves. Small history/background: The Trishkas are a jungle tribe in the southwest who live off small mammals, lizards, birds, fruits, and insects. This is made even easier by using Wargs to summon animals to their deaths.They are very warlike and are almost always trying to take over their neighbors, who are more or less the same with small differences in religion and culture. They are slavers as well, often taking enemies as slaves. Slaves are used to build huts, clean food, make clothing and make tools. They are fed a minimum necessary to keep working at a good capacity. Slaves are allowed to breed with each other, and all slave children are slaves. The Trishkas are constantly on the move to in order to not use up the natural resources of an area, but stick to a general territory that they are constantly trying to expand. They are able to build new huts to live in and a protective barricade very fast. Women and children do the same jobs as slaves, but in better conditions and are fed more. Women and children are kept separate from slaves. Jobs: All slaves share the jobs of building and general grunt work. 19 warrior/hunters, 10 exclusive warriors, 1 chieftain and 15 children. Perks: Warrior Blood, Hunters*, Wargs, and Builders. That is a jungle, right? It looks like it would be a jungle. And are there NPC's? Because depending on the scale of that map, there might be a lot of room for even the upper limit of fifteen 60 person tribes (900 people in what looks like a continent the size of Australia.) And hunters for me wouldn't be really big animals but rather lots and lots of small animals.