[quote=Razil] Maria looked up from her Rabbit doll and starred at Cel with an erey empty gaze. before S rounding herself with shadows.teHehe..... lets Play hide and seek......."she said "NO cheating" she bellowed pointing a finger at Cel "it not as fun when you predict where im going to hide...." she said crossing her arms across her chest clutching at her Rabbit. before she threw her arm wide displacing a murder of Crows and Raven to fill the room. "your it" she whispered through the noise of the birds. dashing out the room to hide [/quote] Celestia shook her head. "I'm not cheating...." Celeste walked over the princesses closet "You just hide in silly places!" Celeste opened the closet to find the princess huddled under some clothes. "Princess, I was referring to your daily lessons, I must teach you many things if you are ever going to rule this kingdom of ours." Celeste pulled the princess out of the closet and said; "Come now, let us go to the library, it's time for some etiquette lessons! Perhaps then we can partake in some sorcerous spells, maybe a game of Liar King afterwards?"