[quote=Genkai] Nothing wrong with Monty Python. XD And your link doesn't work. I shall go cry now. But anyway, I can't wait to see who is accepted (wait, I should know this...) and how they can mesh together, hopefully fairly well [/quote] Well of course we are all here! We are strong willed folk that took the patience virtue in fourth grade instead of armpit fart specialization. -insert derogatory comment about uneducated plebeians here- People meshing together is important! It allows them to meld together like fruit in a blender into a delicious tasting mango smoothie... but you know people flavored! (I believe my analogy is going off track..) And the link does not work? Oh no! Well have [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xLUEMj6cwA] another one![/url]