Name:Nily Age:17 Sex: Female Hair Color: Blonde Eye color: Brown Appearance: [img][/img] Weapon: White Magic, And blunt force trauma! (Seriously she isnt afraid to bust a staff over a skull!) Any Armor: "Some ceremonial stuff in a case.....that I am NOT wearing." Biography: Hailing from a Djose, or well more or less. Her father is a Die hard historian, Believes that the sorry state the temple was in was a travesty. Dedicating his funds his time, even his love into restoring it. In her younger years she was field with wonder at the stories of summoners and Guardians and the eternal tragedy that was sin. How the world constantly lived in plight, and how these "Heroic" people would throw their lives away in the attempt to soothe the worlds sin. "Delusions of grandeur and ritualistic sacrifice..." Her wonder began to change to understanding, and a step further....Disappointment. Why her father drilled into her head the methods of summoning, She began to shirk the studies of the summons and focus more on the white magics. Its theory treated closer than black magic to her own "Required" reading, so she could dabble in it with little suspicion. By the time she was 16, her father caved to her "rebellious" faze and allowed her to study as she wished. But her study is completly unrelated to magics, it was the truth. How much of history is a fabrication, just how much of life is a lie? As if to ease the wound, she did begin wearing a ring that represented Ixion...But then again playing it off as a attraction to unicorn's was probably in her plans already, but there is an odd comfort in the tales of the aeon...perhaps a reminder of her blissful ignorance? Personality: A pessimist, but when you think about what could possibly be existence and how everything that the world knew recently WAS WRONG.....*she inhales deeply* In short she thinks about everything, and what one thing means in the relation of another. She struggles greatly with first encounters, and physical contact is particularly troubling. She seldom speaks about her opinion's and or thoughts simply for the fact she doesn't want to go through the trouble of explaining it all. On a positive side, she keeps most of her emotion in check, knowing that scenarios only go more and more cataclysmic as people loose control! The more she knows about a person the better she can connect, and really understand...If you really are worth knowing. Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Arriving, completely unrelated to the sport....