We collect a few people, as in see if Wind Wild is still with us. After we get the jist of who's around we see what we're all interested in. We have this world already, but there's a lot of room to change what's been written so far as the world goes. I figure we can throw out a few vague ideas we may have and sort of agree on a few broad reaching ones that would effect everyone. For example, three people could be writing in three regions, but if war breaks out between the Sanctum Empire and the Northern Regions, that's something everyone would probably notice. Basically, pop up and say 'Hey, I have this idea' and we all discuss it. Agreed ideas are canon, perhaps kept in the OP. We all talk about where we're going with things, maybe plan crossovers, and basically just enjoy building these shared stories. First step is to find an interested party though. This sort of thing is definitely plausible with two people, but the more the better. Afterword, we can decide how to go from where the IC is now OR if we'd like to create a new thread designed for this idea.