Name: Hector Thanos Age: 34 Race: Human Sex: Male Appearance: Hector stands at 5'6'' with dirty blonde hair, weighing about 170. Fairly small compared to most men, but it does not mean he is not strong. He is exelent shape due to his service in the Liveria kingdom as a sailor in their navy, most of it hard labor when he first joined. His body is covered in scars from battle or accidents on the ship. The largest one starting from his right shoulder down and a cross his chest and ending at his hip from a battle sixteen years prior. Usually wears a white taylored shirt with the drawstrings in done. Black pants and brown worn knee high soft boots. When on his ship he sometimes dresses like in the picture... Usually when there are women on bord. [hider=appearance][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] History: Hector grew up in a small town on the coast of the kingdom of Liveria he was the son of Alexander Thanos, a famous naval captain and legendary swordsman and to Jennifer Thanos, a woman who owned a tavern. When Hector was 7 he started to learn the art of swordsplay and when his father was gone he would work the tavern with his mother, where he heard stories of other sailors and adventures and dreamed of being a captain like his father. He was a charming young lad in his town, and popular with the girls because of how he treated and protected them from drunks and idiot kids his age. A trait he learned from his father. When he was 14 he joined his father on his ship as cabin boy and quickly learned almost all he could in each duty of the ship. When he was 16 his father was escorting the Admiral to the main harbor to get him to the new flagship there. While in route they were attacked by pirates. During the fight Hector saw the Admiral fall and the Pirate went to slay him, but Hector was quick enough to perry the blow, standing over the Admiral he fought off three pirates and killed them before receiving a nasty blow from the pirate captain, from his left hip a crossed his chest and up to his right shoulder. His father thought he was surely dead and before the enemy captain could finish the Admiral, Alexander jumped in and quickly killed the man. Amazingly though despite the sight of his wound it wasn't as bad as it looked. He would survive his wounds luckily. Afterwards the Admiral thanked Alexander and Hector for saving him. Especially to Hector who he was extreamly impressed with his courage and skill, that rivaled his officers at such a young age. He then offered Hector to join him on his ship as a Lieutenant and train his men in fighting. Alexander told Hector to take it, that this had never before happen to anyone. Hector accepted and as soon as he was well enough he joined the Admiral on his ship. After five years he quickly advanced and became a captain. He quickly gained trust and loyalty of those he served with and those under him. Because he cared for them and knew them personally. He would also work along side them fight next to them and see to their needs instead of his own. During this time he heard the Crown prince Xavier decided to keep Liveria from merging with he new Kingdom of Renaltia, the choice he thought was foolish due to the fact that Queen Kouri banished the Gods. It would obviously would be more logical to join with her kingdom, that their kingdom was more tolorent of other cultures was sure to gain the love of the common people. Even him. Then to add to that, Xavier denied access to the ocean to the neighboring kingdom. Trying to keep their isolation, but surely will make for tensions later on when Renaltia needs to Expand and perhaps attacks Liveria to expand its boarders... Under extream cases. When he tried to voice his opinion they were ignored and he was demoted from his rank as captain . Mad that the Crown Prince was so ignorant and foolish enough to make this potential fatial mistake he decided take matters into his own hands. He went down to his crew and told them what happened and his men were angery. They didn't want to lose their captain, when the Hector proposed in forcing the Prince to listen by raiding Liveria ships and stealing their supplies. The Men agreed and they Commandeered the flag ship The Phoenix. The ship was the fastest in the fleet. As they took the ship they crippled the two other ships in Port so they would gain an even farther distance. The next ten years Hector became the largest thorn in the Crown-Prince Xavier's side. When he would attack their ships he would order his men to not kill, any men or women captured on ships would be treated as their own, any weapons, food, supplies would be taken and the ship would be crippled, lead to shore and left Behind with the crew in good health. Any extra food and supplies they didn't need they would take and pass out to the commoners, or sell it to Renaltia for a fair price. On the other hand, if he were to come accrossed any other pirates he would show less mercy. Or any other nation trying to use Liveria hindrance to an advantage. There were a few times where Hector had saved a Liverian ship from pirates and left it be afterwards. Of course if the ships mission was to hunt him he would then turn on them and steal their supplies. His achillies heel however (haha Hector and Achillies... Funny) is women. Despite all his plans and his experiences he is still the sucker for a woman in distress.... Which has nearly gotten him killed a few times. But he must help any in need. Possibly hoping for a relationship to form? [url=] HE'S A PIRATE![/url] Motivation: He feels that if this New threat isn't taken care of all would be destroyed. Who Better to save the world than one who banished the Gods? He also hopes this will finally open the crowns princes mind to joining and expanding. Stats & Traits Strength: 4/10 Agility: 6/10 Charisma: 6/10 Magical Endurance: 0/10 Fighter: 4/10 --Skill Set 1: Saber that splits in two ( two in one sheath) exotic --Skill Set 2: Boot Knife Sniper: 1/10 --Skill Set 1: Black Powder Pistol Leader: 3/10 Seducer: 2/10 Sneak: ?/10 Mage: ?/10 Experience Traits --Trait 1. Duelist --Trait 2. The Underdog Always Wins Conditions --Trait 1. You Lucky Bastard --Trait 2. Clean blood --Trait 3. Wells of Power Unique --Trait 1. CAPTAIN Hector Thanos - Because of his twenty years experience on the seas and travel he has a good grasp on cultures and trade with them all. He has made many contacts in every kingdom some good little more bad. These contacts range from fencers, informants, hired hands, even nobles or merchants that may have paid him to do a job here or there. Making it difficult and easy to move around. Course there is a large bounty on his head and has to deal with bounty hunters all the time, but the people he deals with don't give him up easily...most don't. With these last ten years of looking over his shoulder he has become very Adept at noticing anyone following him, watching him, and some uncanny ability to sense traps. Personal Section Romance: opt-in Play style: Little bit of everything Does the Kouri Plushie exist?: ... If it is I want to see it Signature: Teancum