Nathaniel was more calm. He was mostly just looking around enjoying how everything seemed to be coming together with those who remained in the kitchen. He didn't say much about those who weren't. Everyone liked to do their own thing after all right. He didn't even laugh when Superboy fell. He was about to but he stopped himself. Then after Amani checked if he was okay he laughed a bit. Her reaction to their teammates fall was kind of funny considering he could probably take punches from heavy hitters like Blockbuster or Bane and be okay. Not unharmed, but okay. He patted off a little dust from the floor that was on Jae's head. "Dude it's been a while since we worked together." He smirked. He liked working with Superboy. He worked as a strength factor that Nathaniel when they were "on the job". Still he wasn't getting the usual vibe he got from his heroic colleague. "Dude you alright. I mean I know some people might be a little uneasy, but you're Superboy. This is what we do. I thought you'd be the last person unhappy to be on a team with other's like you. Or at least on a team with me. We work good together." Nathaniel said giving Superboy a light slug on the arm. Plus the girls man. They're awesome." He added with a small smirk as a sort of joke. Even though that wasn't really on his mind. Believe it or not he wasn't always like that. Girl crazy that is. He could be more serious and it didn't take a lot. Still he had an image to uphold. Not the best image, but an image all the same. --------------------------------------------- Wolf let out a low sort of grunt and laid down. [b]When you've been with these people... These heroes as long as I have you begin to realize your territory is fairly pointless.[/b] He spoke think of not only Mount Justice, but another home he'd been in for a time before coming to the island. [b]Of course I'll protect my home when needed, but I feel you aren't truly a threat. I felt little to know real killing intent.[/b] He continued before she asked about how he got this way. He didn't really know himself. He was injected with something, but he didn't remember the name or why. That's precisely what he said as well. [b]I didn't realize what was going on until it was too late. A brain in a sort of container and a gorilla. They took me and my old pack. Injected us with something. And through a long line of events I ended up where I am.[/b] That was all the information he gave on the matter. Nothing more and nothing less. [b]How did you come to be?[/b] --------------------------------------------- Despite having his back turned Red X's guard was far from being down. He was quick to turn and move to the side. It seemed like only one fluid motion as he continued to quickly draw and throw three of his X-Shuriken. They headed straight for what seemed to be a bug themed super powered being. "Let me guess. The amazing bugman." He taunted. "No no no. The spectacular tick!" He chuckled a bit. "No? Okay. I got it. The creepy crawler!" He continued to make fun of the other masked man as he took a few steps to the side not bothering to check whether or not his X-shuriken hit. Whether they did or didn't they would be stuck in something. Either the guy or the wall. "Honestly I don't care who you are. If you're hero to partner up. We can start never. If you're planning to play hero and try to take me down then I welcome you to try. Either whether you might end up in a little more pain than you were when you woke up this morning." He said calmly. He'd just dropped one partner so he wasn't looking for another and of course he would never go down without a fight.