[hider=Cecil Lancaster][center][img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/084/5/3/534a5720cb2dffa631b9102a9ec06c4a-d4txqu2.jpg][/center] [hider2=Basic Information][b]Name:[/b][indent]Cecil Lancaster[/indent][b]Age:[/b][indent][i](Apparent)[/i] 28 // [i](Actual)[/i] 24[/indent][b]Race:[/b][indent]Human[/indent][/hider2] [hider2=Personal Information][b]Social Status:[/b][indent]Member of Omnity in Koa[/indent] [b]Relations:[/b][indent][u]Family:[/u] [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/363/0/0/mom_by_dawnelainedarkwood-d35y4rh.jpg]Cynthia Lancaster[/url] [i](mother; died of age-related sickness)[/i], [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/029/4/8/sir_nordan_gram_by_samc_art-d5t5gee.jpg]Cyrus Lancaster[/url] [i](father; alive-living in Koa)[/i], [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/108/3/b/3b3ca9379639306cf79e6996ba394471-d4wle5i.jpg]Cillian Lancaster[/url] [i](younger brother; alive-member of Omnity in Kenan; unbeknownst to others, he is possessed by a demon)[/i], [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/026/e/1/phoebe_by_evniki-d4nngu3.jpg]Cecilia Lancaster[/url] [i](younger sister; alive-living in Koa with father)[/i], [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/138/e/1/honor_by_mckadesinsanity-d65o1en.jpg]Ciera Lancaster[/url] [i](older sister; alive-member of the Gospel in Loom)[/i] [u]Friends:[/u] Currently, none, other than some familiar acquaintances and his family.[/indent] [b]General Activity:[/b][indent]As a member of Omnity, Cecil often acts as a guard patrolling the streets of Koa, when not assigned to any specific mission. On his days off, he usually spends time at the Lancaster Family home, reading a book, doing simple errands or lounging around.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b][indent]Since I actually hate writing personalities in long-form because I find personality to be semi-fluid, changing with situation but holding a constant "temperament", I will opt to say [u]will reveal in the IC[/u], but because I do have the idea for this character's general temperament, I will also include a short list of the basic traits of this character: - Hardworking - Overly Sympathetic - Idealistic and a Perfectionist - Mature and Family-oriented - Obedient[/indent] [b]Biography:[/b][indent]"Well, the beginning of my life was pretty average. I was born as the first son of Cyrus and Cynthia Lancaster, two middle-class parents in Loom. My dad was a professor of Angelic and Demonic History at one of the universities in the city - he was always into that stuff; my mom was a stay-at-home mom, but she was the hardest worker I've ever seen. I've never met another person with as big as a heart as my mom's; she dedicated her whole life to keep the family together, happy and healthy. My younger years were pretty normal. I attended school, in the shadow of my over-achieving sister Ciera, the girl who was good at everything - sports, school, even things like theatre and art. Ciera was seen as the genius of the family, the perfect daughter. I was expected to live up to the standards that my sister had set; in fact, that's what I dedicated my whole school life to, trying to fill Ciera's footsteps, but it wasn't easy for me. I attended countless tutoring sessions, tried out for every sports team, practiced and studied for whatever, big or small, for countless hours. I basically wasted the first half of my life trying to be a clone of my sister. I didn't have a social life outside of my family, I wasn't happy and I was always stressed. And why? Because I was afraid of failure, of being a disappointment, of being the black sheep?! ... *sigh* But in hindsight, it wasn't all that bad. I mean, I guess it wasn't completely pointless. What I'm trying to say is, regardless of whether I enjoyed it or not, or whether it was good or bad, it helped make me the man I am today. Anyways, when I was in kindergarten - I was about 4-5 years old - my younger brother Cillian was born, and immediately I was jealous of him, well not at first. At first, I was relieved. The spotlight was taken off me, and I was content for a bit. But then, I missed the attention. I had lost the push from my parents to grow and become what they expected me to be. I was ambitionless, without guidance and without direction; I felt pretty worthless, after the initial relief died away. Luckily for me, after Cillian's first couple of vulnerable years, my parents returned some of their focus back to me and I was pushed once more to do better, to try harder. But, I never fully got over that jealousy for my little brother, who, in my eyes, had my parents wrapped around his finger. As I grew, my brother and I butted heads, but our relationship was never really bad. We would get into fights, arguments and wrestle, but after some time, we would act like it never happened. Still, every time he did something worthy of praise, I would try to one up him somehow. Basically, because of no one else's fault but myself, I tried my best to become the perfect heir of the Lancaster name and it worked, I guess. I became the figurehead of the family; crap-tons of responsibility burdened my shoulders as time passed. As Ciera blazed her own trail, away from the family, I spent my time at home, being a caretaker to Cillian and Cecilia and also my mom, once she started getting ill. Of course, we tried our best to get her help, but her body was just starting to wear down from all her work - I mean, she was only 54 at the time; she wasn't that old. But still, one day, she passed on to wherever the dead go. At least, she died before things really started going down the drain. Only a few months had passed when Hell's Gate broke down and the war between Angels and Demons escalated and found its way to our home in Loom. Things went from bad to worse, and we spent day-after-day just trying to not day, barely surviving. Somehow, and I can't even explain how, we were able to escape the destruction of Loom. We were able to find our way a small city to the north of Loom. No, not Kenan; this was a smaller city, not well known. It was a safe place for awhile, as we waited for the war to deescalate. But it never really seemed to. After some time in the small city, we found out about Omnity, which was just a little, fledgling group at the time. A team of their recruiters had come to town, preaching their philosophy of peace and equality for all, despite race, and all of use just kinda took to it. Well, except for Ciera; she blamed the demons and angels for all of the destruction they had brought to Loom and the world, and she couldn't understand why any of us would be wiling to forgive them and attempt to establish peace. The day we officially aligned ourselves under the banner of Omnity was the last day we ever saw her. Word has it that she's in Loom now, recruiting for the Gospel. We, on the other hand, made the journey to Koa where we could better serve Omnity, as well as live in relative peace, although Cillian did recently set off for Kenan, thinking he would do Omnity better there. These days, I'm just a simple guard, doing the missions I'm asigned to do, trying to maintain peace and order, trying to protect my family, and just hoping this war will be over soon."[/indent][/hider2] [hider2=Combat Information][b]Abilities:[/b][indent][b]- Self-Gravity Shifting:[/b] The ability to instantaneously change the direction which gravity pulls oneself; Cecil can negate the effects of gravity on himself and then create a new gravitational force on another surface, such as the surface of a ceiling, meaning that he can walk on them with ease and no adverse effects. Currently, Cecil's ability is restricted to being only applicable to himself.[/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent]- [b]Bulletproof Vest:[/b] A standard, run-of-the-mill, bulletproof vest that most human guards tend to wear for protection. - [b]Steel Fixed Blade Dagger:[/b] A standard dagger for close-combat situations. - [b].45 S&W M&P Pistol:[/b] A modern-day pistol, effective in killing human, demon and angel alike.[/indent][/hider2][/hider] [hider=Miera the Mountain][center][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/250/0/3/valkyrie_by_edli-d2y7lt6.jpg][/center] [hider2=Basic Information][b]Name:[/b][indent]Miera[/indent][b]Alias/Nickname:[/b][indent]The Mountain - Given to her by her angelic comrades as a response to her steadfast nature and strength in battle.[/indent][b]Age:[/b][indent][i](Apparent)[/i] 31 // [i](Actual)[/i] 29[/indent][b]Race:[/b][indent]Pure Seraph[/indent][b]Wing Size:[/b][indent]Large - Roughly 8ft. in wingspan to allow for efficient flight, despite Miera's armor and weapons.[/indent][/hider2] [hider2=Personal Information][b]Social Status:[/b][indent]Miera is a Pure, Battle Seraph, devoted and trained to serve in the holy army of Heaven; her loyalty is unquestioned, her skill is great and her reputation is well-known among angels and demon alike.[/indent] [b]Relations:[/b][indent][u]Family:[/u] [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/269/d/7/d700ce473561cfc037eb8e37b85f6e19-d4b1au7.jpg]Inon the Daybringer[/url] (father; gray, battle angel; active in duty), [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/119/a/d/urdine_angel_by_noxypia-d4xyet8.jpg]Pasreciah the Oathkeeper[/url] (mother; gray, battle angel; active in duty) [u]Friends:[/u] Her fellow, angelic comrades.[/indent] [b]General Activity:[/b][indent]As a battle seraph, Miera's usual schedule consists of training, practice, sparring and the maintenance of her weapons and armor in the mornings, if there isn't a more pressing issue; and fulfilling her duty as a battle angel for the rest of her time, which usually comes in the form of completing missions, scouting, slaying demons and the like. Every few weeks or so, Miera will get together with her mother and father to spend time with them.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b][indent][u]Will reveal in the IC:[/u] - Confident - Dedicated and Loyal - Tough (in both a positive and negative sense) - Prejudiced - Noble but a little Vain[/indent] [b]Biography:[/b][indent]"I was born as the only child of Inon the Daybringer and Pasreciah the Oathkeeper, two gray angels whose love first blossomed in the midst of combat, for both were mighty warriors in the angelic army. At birth, I could tell that I was a different, for despite only just being born, I could remember things from before my birth, lifetimes prior to my current one; this was proven true when my first wing was submitted to the Book of Fate, during my infancy, although I do not personally remember that moment as I was so small. Still, my upbringing was relatively normal by any angel's standards, although I wasn't entirely normal myself. I was brought up with other children, human and angel, in my younger years. At that time, I was very naive and foolish, despite being having a larger recollection of my past lives; I didn't realize how lowly humans were. Unfortunately, I spent much of my time raised as the humans, learning, growing, living as they did, all the way until I hit 13 years of age. That was when I was revealed the truth on the affairs of Progaia, a knowledge that evaded my past memories. By the council, I was chosen to the path of a Battle Angel, a path that my former lives had also taken part of, which suited me quite nicely, and my lessons began. By day, I would attend classes and speeches in the Council room, where I learned the history of Progaia and of Heaven and of Hell from the correct perspective of the Archangels. After the teachings of the Archangels, I was to train for my role; I had the honor of having my own father as my mentor, and he trained me well. Each day, we would spend two hours working on battle technique, one hour on physical training, and another two on sparring.The rest of my time was up to me, so I usually spent it honing my craft, when I wasn't attending classes. And in the rare times where I was not swinging my sword, I was in meditative contemplation, delving into the memories of my former lives. The earliest I can remember is of a lifetime hundreds of years ago of a Weather Angel named Ehepor, although his life is a large mystery to me as my recollections are fragmented. He lived in a mountainous region where only a small, human village settled. By my current understanding, Ehepor's area was nearby to where Echetus now stands, which I find amusingly ironic. His life was a simple one, devoid of most conflict as he spent his time hand-in-hand with nature from what I could tell. Based on the faint picture I have of his appearance, his wings were tainted with cracks, grays and stone, meaning he was mostly connected to the force of the earth. Now, this is all I can remember about his life, only snippets of a normal life, but something in my mind tells me he led a far more interesting life than my memories show. Still, as things are now, I can not uncover those mysteries; I don't know how he passed away, but I can only assume it was a peaceful death. The most recent lifetime that I can remember is of the Battle Angel Laniel. My earliest memory as Laniel is of her - my - first battle as an ordained warrior. Roughly 60 years ago, when I was someone else, I first combated a small band of surface demons, mere imps who had possessed willing humans in specific. Three in all, the demons were very cunning but no match for my young blade, as back then, Hell's Gate had yet to rupture - the surface demons were much more sparse and weak. I remember how they attempted to ensnare me with their demonic magic. I was sweating, nervous and scared and excited. As the three focused on their ritual in order to entrap me, I swung at the nearest demon with my halberd - Glory's Reach was my weapon's name. The long reach of my weapon reached the abdomen of the demon who tried to jump away, and a large gash opened up the human's innards, causing blood to pour out like a spilled drink. Some of the lower organs oozed out afterwards; the demon and the human would die from quick blood loss. With its dying breath, the incapacitated demon continued its chant. My right arm felt heavy as magic got a hold of it, pulling it down towards the runic markings etched on the dirt floor. I didn't have much time left. Tugging at the magic with force, I charge to the next demon, halberd impaling through the chest. The demon and I were both surprised that my halberd reached. Then, with a rough yank, the halberd cut itself out of the demon and its momentum led it to decapitate the head of the final demon, the human's head landing a few feet from the shriveling body. Laniel received the title of "Laniel the Bloody" from then on, in light of how vicious and cruel she vanquished evil. The next memory of note is Laniel's last battle. It began with me and two angelic comrades, a tamer angel and another battle angel, whose names escape me. Together we were commissioned to fight an erupting horde of vampires in a roughly unpopulated part of Progaia. We had been told that there would only be 10-or-so vampires in the tunnel-like caves that served as their vampiric base. Arriving inside the caves, we would soon realize how wrong the estimation was. Inside, it was very dark, but for me and the other battle angel, our eyes allowed us to illuminate the cave slightly. At first, things were ominously empty. The tamer angel, who had found a torch and was lighting it, made the assumption that the vampires had abandoned the place, perhaps hearing of our arrival beforehand. Still, we journeyed deeper into the thick darkness, down the rocky caverns. As we made our way down, skulls and bones, arcanic and runic and demonic markings, and the like dotted the environment, becoming much more common and numerous as we plunged farther in. Soon, we found ourselves in a sanctum of sorts, a roughly spherical temple or sorts, devoid of all things but coffins. Fear rose in our hearts, as we realized how many there were. Not 10, not 20 but approximately 30 coffins lines the walls of the spherical room, with one large, elegant coffin laying in the center. Then, before we could make any preemptive strikes, all of the coffins tore open with vampires ready to battle; they had seen us coming. The tamer angel summoned two of his familiars, as the battle angel and I drew our weapons. The leader of the vampiric horde spoke in a demonic language unknown to me, but by its tone, I could tell he was proud of his surprise. The battle began in the darkness. At first, we held our own efficiently. Two, three then six vampires meet their demise, but we quickly found ourselves outnumbered. We began to run back up the cavernous tunnels, as the caves were too dark and winding for us to fly out. I stood behind my two comrades, using the reach of my halberd to keep the vampires at bay as best as I could. They were very fast unfortunately, and they quickly caught up to us. The first to meet their demise was not me however; it was the other battle angel, who upon realizing we would die if we kept running, made the valiant return into the fray to kill off as many vampires as he could. His last words were for us to flee; he sacrificed himself. Deeply distraught and shocked, the two of us continued to retreat, but the tamer angel then tripped as we neared the entrance, having looked back to see if we were still be chased. We were, and inspired by the act of my fallen friend, I ran over to the tamer and picked them up and pushed them to go on. I, then sacrificed myself in battle for the tamer to escape. I was able to bring three to the death with me, but I was quickly overcome with injury, then death. As I died, I saw the Tamer Angel fleeing, but the light from the entrance blinded me, so I am unsure whether they made it out or not. Laniel's death brought my life. Three years passed of taking lessons in the Council building, training from my father and times of memory-searching, and soon I was officially inducted into the life of a Battle Angel, a very high honor. Upon my official indoctrination, I was assigned a simple mission with another, new battle angel named Rahap, who became a good comrade and friend to me. Our first missions were quite simple and boring, as this was a few years before the Hell's Gate incident, but when we were both 20, we were assigned the task of looking into one of the rifts described by Vioca, the Seraph Angel. That was when Rahap and I were first educated about the upcoming rupture of Hell's Gate. At the rift, we encountered a couple of emerging demons from Hell, more brutish and powerful than simple surface demons. Fortunately, our combined battle prowess proved to be mightier than the demons, who still suffered some disorientation from just barely arriving on Progaia, in the quick battle that ensued. But that was only a taste of what was to come. As years passed, the reports of rifts become more common, and the incidents of new breeds of demons made their way to the Council. Then finally, Melody's gate came down, and the War between Angel and Demon met an all-time high. At first, I have served the Council tirelessly, doing my best for the greater good; I took part in countless battles, large and small, in Progaia, defending the hosts of Heaven and smiting evil, although as the days passed, I found that evil began taking much more subtle forms and was becoming harder to defeat. The lines were blurring and something was stirring. Then, the unthinkable happened, as the demons and the humans made their large assaults on Loom and the Council and each other, forcing the mighty Archangels to their knees. I fought valiantly, to my best but the defeat of the Council shook me. I retreated to the outskirts of Loom, where for the first time, I felt defeat take over. I looked over the falling city with tears in my eyes, as I hid from the onslaught of demons and humans. Never have I felt so low. Since then, I have joined with the Angelic Remnant, under the command of Saella the Shining, in hopes of returning the world to balance, mending the relationship with mandkind and ridding of the demonic forces."[/indent][/hider2] [hider2=Combat Information][b]Abilities:[/b][indent]Miera is a [u]Battle Seraph[/u] so her abilities are as follows: - [b]Superior Physical Prowess:[/b] Miera's strength, power, fortitude, endurance, agility, speed and stamina are all far above most other combatants. - [b]Enhanced Regeneration:[/b] Miera's body regenerates at a heightened rate, causing serious wounds to completely heal up in a matter of hours or less. - [b]Seasoned Combatant:[/b] Having been trained into the class of a Battle Angel, Miera is a capable fighter by anyone's definition of the word; she is knowledgeable and efficient in her personal art of war, in both war and battle strategies, and in the creative use of available resources.[/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent]- [b]Blade of the Mountains:[/b] Miera's personal weapon, the blade is a steel longsword that reaches a length of roughly 40in., give or take a few. The base of the blade is ornamented with some ceremonial gemstones, although the actual hilt is simple. In addition, due to Miera's angelic essence, the sword is highly durable and powerful in comparison to normal, steel swords; the sword also tends to do more damage to demons, What makes the sword so special, besides its appearance and enchantments, is its history, as it has been in Miera's hands for a long time and has slain many. - [b]Steel Armor:[/b] Worn by Miera is a very well-made, steel armor that covers most of her body, although her arms are left relatively bare to give her arms the most freedom and movement in swordfighting. As with her sword, Miera's angelic essence increases the durability and strength of the armor.[/indent][/hider2][/hider] --- Excuse the shortness of Miera's biography, but regardless, I'm done.