Nily looked at the sky for a moment in a quite mantra to restrain herself, Emotion is just a commotion that leads to disintegration of the internal nation. Its not like the peons where worth getting upset over, but this kind of behavior is beyond any level of rude...She questions what sort of scenario that would allow a man to grow up and yet not take a small amount of respect for others as to try and not run them over. At the least he should have apologized, Or not acknowledged that he had bumped her, let alone tell her that she was at fault. "sorry miss" !!!!!! Wait what did he, where did it? The change of heart had her tripped up, but then Urick's Query along with his physical presence made the answer to the riddle all to obvious. It would seem not everyone on this island is a heathen. Nily, stands brushing her knees off. "Nothing a little a little water wont take care of." The feeling of a twig poking her leg draws her attention to the various nature that had been caught in her rather long hair...Bring forth an rather exhausted smile. "Okay some water and a brush." She does a slight bow before continuing. "Well my well mannered acquaintance, I thank you for your assistance.But now I am to search for a place to clean up. And judging by this madness that would be the village, I can imagine that I will be lucky to find a place that doesn't make me sleep outside." Slighlty a joke, but more or less a complaint about the rather scenic location. With that she clicks her heals together and starts to walk by Urick.