So here is my not very rough draft. I'll let you look over it from here and change (or scrap if it's unsalvageable) it as necessary to fit the plot. [hider=Nen Yates][b]Name:[/b] Nen Yates (Nen, pronounced n-eh-n, Welsh for 'heaven, arch, dome', Yates, 'dweller by the gate/gate keeper', Welsh surname) [b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Race:[/b] Hexwulfen [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] Nen is a slightly short build young man that is thin and lightly built. His hair is a mix of dark brown and pale bronze-gold, with bangs reaching to about the end of his nose, slightly below his chin in the back and does not cover his ears that naturally parts on the right, though he pulls it forward. His irises are of a similar bronze color-though too obscured in shine and shadow to see usually see well-with brow and lashes of utter black. His skin is tanned with a reddened-olive complexion. Nen prefers t-shirts of red or cyan, coupled with brown or black pants and a black hoodie/hooded undershirt or jacket in mild weather, occasionally with a bright red scarf. He wears a rather simple tear-drop necklace of phantom-quartz. [b]Social Status:[/b] Nen is not involved in any social hierarchy as of yet. [b]Relations:[/b] As far as is known Nen does have blood relations somewhere. He makes it clear, though, that they are not especially precious to him, nor does he harbor any interest in returning to them. Unbeknownst to him, he does, though, have a Guardian Angel watching over him from afar. [b]General Activity:[/b] Nen was an aimless wanderer and traveler up until recently, always in search of a purpose or calling in life. He is a kind soul, though irresponsible and prone to getting lost in thought and fantasy and often researches folklore and history. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Essence Blade[/b] As per the effect on his soul of his angelic heritage, Nen has inherited a moderately strong and very pure essence. With a proper medium-such as a sword or sword handle-he can extend his own essence in a thin, sustained ray like a sword blade. This blade has no effect on base matter; yet, it acts upon other concentrations of essence-like another living being-much like an electric shock. As such, it can pass through objects and armor so long as they are unmagical, though neither can it parry the mundane. The material looks like pale, concentrated light, of a quality and color similar to the pale light seen through clouds or from lightning. [b]Palm of Fire[/b] A technique of magic that he has acquired rather than inherited-albeit, his own essence mixed with a demon's likely makes for a wonderful source for it. Nen can create small blasts of fire from his hand. [b]Demonization[/b] The true and most immediate effect of his demonic parasite/symbiote, Nen's demonized form takes a shape kin to a wurm or dragon. With ebony wings of swan-like design, large keratinous plates of crimson color adorned with blades and edged talons along his hands and feet and an aura that dyes his essence crimson, his hybrid form in it's weakest state looks more like a crossbreed between a demon and an angel; perhaps it is due to his mixed heritage fusing and conflicting. As his form grows stronger, though, and consumes more essence, the wings become keratinous and even metallic and he sprouts a tined, barbed, scaly tail of crimson. Perhaps, if fed enough, he could turn into a dragon in full. [b]Equipment:[/b] Clothes, a backpack, a small amount of money and an old side-sword handle without a blade. [b]Personality:[/b] Nen is a kind, extremely empathic young man prone to vacillation. He is all too able to see things from multiple viewpoints and cares for others deeply while holding scarce little regard for himself and lack confidence, leading him to double, triple and continuously rethink and wonder if he is viewing things accurately, leading to him making few effective (if any) decisions. He is naturally charismatic and makes friends easily even with his nervousness, yet these friendships are rarely maintained. As a response to past experience, he has numbed his emotions, and has difficulty feeling accomplishment or even any joy at all. Nen has always, though, held a deep-obsessive, even- passion and desire to find his individual purpose or gifts. This blind urge is both his only strong motivator left besides a vague desire to change the world for the better and the hidden 'sin' he shares with his demon parasite. Short of finding a different purpose than the one the Bringer awoke within him, his deepest wish is to find and connect with someone who can empathize with and understand the hate buried inside him. Part of why the demon who inhabits him first claimed him was for a similar unholy sin, a similar urge and emotion he was rare if not unique in bearing; absolute malice. Repressed and denied, buried deep inside of him is an overwhelming hate and desire to violently destroy everything around him. It was in response to this, originally, that Nen numbed his emotions down and bears such low love for himself-making himself unable to feel such hate as to prevent any chance of succeeding to it and acting on it. As he angers, this is drawn out more and more-and, so, too, the further his lycanthrope form overtakes him. Nen favors the color crimson and ethereal white and blue and enjoys folklore and history. He especially detests false paradigms and perceptions when others are harmed by extension of those beliefs, and so especially despises zealous patriotism and religious fanaticism. [b]Biography:[/b] Nen was a child born to a poor, seemingly insignificant family, yet inheritor to an angelic bloodline. From an early age, he was obsessed with discovering his gift, the meaning and purpose to his existence. Obsession brings blindness, though, which is made all the greater with the strength granted by bearing an angel-touched soul. Nearing on the 'age of reason', frustrated and distraught with the lack, he invoked any and all who would finally reveal what he was supposed to do-and, bolstered with a stronger soul and unknowingly creating magic by his words, reached out and were heard by a being that had long been inactive. A demon who had long ago been consumed by hatred so intensely so as to be unique and defined not by his power yet by his unrivaled hate heard as his words bled across the veil and void, and felt the power and untapped potential in them-and something else. A kindred resonance, a shared desire and emotion; a child bearing or indeed even capable of such hate, of a depth to match it's own-never had it felt the same in another. And, so, too, it knew the time of the Gates to crash, the time when it could, at last, perhaps, wreak the destruction it sought was soon upon them. It was no coincidence; it was time. The Bringer respawned from the void, using him as a host, and whispered to the child, awoke within Nen his talent-destruction and annihilation, even for his kindess. Nen recoiled, buried himself, fought it-and did not realize or sense the interference of another entity-a might angel who subdued the demon. Unable to remove it entirely for both the demon's strength and magnetism towards its own, it was merely buried, defeated, absorbed into the child instead of the reverse. No matter, though; enough damage to the child's psyche was wrought in realizing the same animosity he shared with the spirit. Nearly there did he kill himself to spare the world his existence; yet, thoughts of family and the pain it would cause them stayed his hand. Thus, buried, rejecting of the very talent and purpose he sought and deadened to his malice yet, thus, too, to all other emotion. Time passes. Nen grew, eternally confused and faithless, always left uncertain of himself afterwords and without any strong goals remaining. When he dawned on adulthood, rather than continue a seemingly worthless and unpleasant education or take a similar occupation, he took to foot and bag and traveled. He has been a wanderer since, looking for any sort of lasting meaning in various locations-or enjoying the world, at the very least. Then the recent events in Loom occurred while he was present, and was unable to get away. He has continuously had to resort to more violent measures to stay alive (and even fed)-which, in turn, awoke the long-dormant demon parasite and other magic locked away with it. As such, all of Nen's powers have only recently been accessible to him-and the prices that come with them. His animosity gnaws at the back of his mind like an eternal thirst far more than before, filling his mind with thoughts of carnage and blood. Even so, he works diligently to avoid violence as much as possible, and is considering going to a place where Omnity has influence for help.[/hider] Bringer of Nothing [hider=Bringer of Nothing][b]Name:[/b] Uknown except by several angels and demons who have not revealed it. [b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] Great Red Serpent, Red God, Crimson Devil, Bloody Archdemon, Archdemon of Malice, Archdemon of Agony, Demon of Heavenly Light, Destroyer Dragon, Blood Dragon, Bringer of Nothing, Wraith of End, Evil Angel, Angel of Malice, Angel of Hate, Light of Destruction, Crimson Aether, Light of Annihilation, Light of Apocalypse [b]Age:[/b] A Firstborn, thus meaning up to 9000 years old. The exact date has not been shared. [b]Race:[/b] Demon (ex-Demon Lord, now a Hexwulfen parasite) [b]Appearance:[/b] His actual (and original appearance) is unknown. When he had it's own form as Demon Lord, his favored forms were a shape akin to a shapeless nightwalker with fierce red eyes (though not an actual nightwalker, just a similar appearance), an angel-like design of male gender, and that of a great, serpentine red dragon. Only his presence, a vague sense of his presence is constant-eyes filled with pure hate, single-colored except in its angel-like form, and a disturbing, angel-like vibration as light and pure as ether. While his literal appearance wavered, the feel, the essence of his expression, did not. Now, as only a parasite/symboite subject to a host-and one that's very soul has apparently been absorbed in part by Nen's-he seemingly no longer, nor ever, will, ever have a form of its own. [b]Social Status:[/b] Ex-Demon Lord, now none. His position and kingdom were lost-whether forfeited or taken, it is now known only as rumor and not as fact by all save those involved-long ago, before he last entered the Void. [b]Relations:[/b] None known by any save those involved, and they have not spoken regarding the matter. [b]General Activity:[/b] The Bringer of Nothing, as his myriad of titles suggest, was single-mindedly obsessed with bringing about the destruction of the world. It is said that it was not always so-that, early on, he 'fell', and actually fed on even parts of his own essence and destroyed its ability to feel anything other than hate. He took any means available to it to wreak destruction, whether political or or by his own hand. In current times, his only action is to apply constant pressure on Nen to surrender to their shared malice, grow, and destroy everything. Apparently, Nen is the only thing in all of creation beyond possibly himself that he does not seek to destroy. [b]Abilities:[/b] As a parasite/symboite, he seems to no longer have any abilities of its own. Rather, his own essence seems to bleed out into and infuse its host's, Nen's, granting and/or transforming him abilities related to what he once bore-or may have, had he continued-meaning taking on aspects-or perhaps even the full, given enough essence-of each of his forms. Thus, Nen may eventually become able to become ghostly or ethereal, passing through objects like mist (though not through solid air-tight substances, nor able to affect [i]any[/i] base matter for such time), mutate various aspects of his body into increasingly similar form to the Bringer's dragon shape, and suffuse and alter his own essence (and thus essence blade) with the Bringer's trademark destructive crimson light. As with the Bringer himself, though, these are all exclusive abilities; each form can only be singularly, not in combination, nor are any of them available as of yet. Among the abilities that he [i]did[/i] have were the ability to shapeshift into a colossal serpentine, razor-edged-winged dragon that breathed something akin to a blast of ether and light that, even being utterly demonic, could only be described as angelic and heavenly, even as it's effects were like hellfire and lightning. Hence his titles relating to heaven and light, even for his omnicidal and malicious nature. [b]Equipment:[/b] None known since he lost his kingdom. [b]Personality:[/b] Simply put, the 'Bringer of Nothing' is the paragon of malice, hate perhaps literally incarnate. It is said that he feels no emotion other than hate-not sadness, not joy, not lesser forms of anger such as rage-only absolute hate. Since he 'fell', he has only shown one interest-ever-that was not a means to an end-THE End, specifically. Of the world. That one interest apparently involves the human host he is now a parasite/symbiote to, Nen Yates. Exactly what those interests and emotions are, only Nen and perhaps the Bringer's unknown old acquaintances may know. As for Nen-their communication is too vague and undeveloped for him to really know. [b]Biography:[/b] An original demon, he was created with an absolute dedication from the outset and quickly consumed so much essence as to become one of the first Archdemons. Even then, though, he was insatiable; unlike so many others even among the Demon Lords, he did complete only a handful of evolutions-he completed [i]dozens[/i], at least, and, over the course, he devoured pieces of even his own soul in his madness in order to grow, even though such gained him naught. Among these were seemingly his emotions, and it is said that he became genuinely incapable of any emotion other than hate and malice early on. How much of that was due to self-inflicted damage and how much was his own nature is not understood. Being full only of hate, though, those feelings grew outward, and he at some point became omnicidal-blatantly seeking to destroy the entire world. This is the origin of most of his titles and aliases-all related to his terrifying power, constant evolution and ultimate goal. He seemingly posed little genuine threat, though, as he was unconcerned with anything less than a full apocalypse and so actually rarely caused any significant damage, and, as he was constantly latching onto human hosts and evolving or caught in the Void, he would effectively disappear for entire lifetimes and was absent from his throne in Hell more often than present, meaning even less damage wrought. Even for his absence, his might and the terror he wrought was plentiful evident-so much so that no serious threat to his reign ever arose in his absence, or at least not one that he could not deal with even bound to mortal form. It is speculated and rumored that, were it indeed a host of demons that destroyed Chime, he was among those that killed Chime herself, though it was the Fleshshaper's beast that wrought the destruction of the Gate. It is known that it was shortly thereafter that he apparently planned to become more active and, for some reason, several demons and Archdemons collectively assaulted and injured him-or killed hist host body, depending on the version of the story told. Some rumors that the attack was because he was nearing or had already found a means to actually annihilate essence, though more level-headed beings understand that not even he was capable of that feat. In any case, he failed to regroup and take a new human host and was lost to the Void. From then on, no one had heard from him since; the Bringer had abandoned all interaction with the world, voluntarily staying in the Void and away from the world. A clairvoyant angel assigned another to watch over two seemingly unconnected humans. Those two later met, married, and produced a child-a child who, while flesh untouched, bore a marked soul, and one that combined ancient bloodlines filled with angelic essence. Years later, the child bearing a soul touched by the otherworldly and who, though kind and empathic of extreme regard, bore, too, a buried hate that, somehow, matched the Bringer's own, prayed and accidentally invoked any that would answer-including the demon who had been at most half-asleep until then. Finally, years past, the Bringer of Nothing joined the world once again, seeped across the Void and reincarnated in the one being that was ever his own, his own kind, his own kin-one who felt as he did. Weakened by his years in the emptiness and injury prior and confronted by the child's own resistance coupled with the invisible interference of the servant(s) of Heaven, it was subdued and became an attachment to the body and soul, rather than its ruler. Yet it was enough in it's eyes-at least for then. As Nen, the bearer, developed and grew, he has increasingly applied more pressure to the child to finally lash out and embody the hate they both feel. In recent weeks, this has grown much stronger and Nen has begun taking on visible powers and shapeshifting as a result of the failed possession for the first time.[/hider]