Name/Aliases: Altin D'erson Sex: Male Race: Human Age: 28 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Sneaky/only out for those that matter to him- usually himself/ annoyed by dwarves/ thinks humans are the superior race History: Altin grew up Liaryn as a homeless pickpocket. He spent much of his teenage years squatting in shacks and shanty rundown buildings. He found a dagger on a corpse along with a sword that was cast out by the city guard. He self taught himself to train with sword and dagger, and one day when being chased by a dwarven merchant in the market place, he was cornered by the guard. After the scuffle, two guards laid sliced open and the dwarf without a hand. That's when he first met his mentor, Monterro D'Eltorn. "What if I could show you how to make your person drag like there are multiples of you? It will make you harder to hit, and trick your foes." Altin immediately agreed to being trained. He spent many years with Monterro, training and grinding, learning swordplay and illusion-magic. "You have a natural gift, Altin. One day, you will be even better than I. Few know how to use the Shadow magic, and fewer still can master it as you have thus far. You still have very far to go, its a process that will take decades before a significant mastery will come to you." _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One night, Monterro and Altin were approached by a man in solid silver armor. "Monterro! I hear you have been teaching this urchin how to use Shadow magic! You know this is forbidden by the laws." stated the paladin. "I am teaching him how to survive this cruel hard world Marselez. YOU of all of us can relate to that! He was misunderstood with no family and no where to go, so I gave him a place. We both know what its like to have no families!" Monterro countered. In a sudden flash both men drew steel, and the fight lasted a good 15 minutes. Monterro seemed to be Marselez's superior in combat. He did not shadowfight Marsalez and Altin thought it must have been out of respect for the paladin. "Click," a sound came from the rooftop and suddenly a bolt protruded from Monterro's chest. "NO!!!" a simultaneous shout came from Marselez and Altin. Marsalez whipped his head around and spotted the culprit. "I told you NOT to interfere unless I said so!" "Aye boss, but he was getting the best of you." exclaimed the stubby dwarf. "You fool, I will have your head!" Marselez responded. "Run!" Marselez shouted to Altin, after turning his blade to the dwarf. Run is what Altin did, and was still doing for many years. Never knowing any kind of contempt. Until one day staring into a stream he saw himself, now 26 years old. "What am I doing?" Altin asked his reflection. "I know exactly what you are doing." a giant owl responded. "And before you ask, I am Tid, and the answer is running, you are hiding from your problems instead of facing them. But from today on you will not. Also, don't ask me how I know that, it is very annoying. I am here to tell you that I know the answer to all things. Starting today, you will seek these answers for your own truths." Then the giant owl simply flew away. "Wait! I have....." "I know questions." The beating of the wings blocked out anymore words that came from the owl. "He thought I was annoying!" Altin thought to himself. So from that day on, Altin has been searching looking for his masters killers. He remembers that dwarf's face all too well and long with Marsalez's. Optional Information Equipment: Black Leather armor, Sword shaped like a sai at the handle to disarm others, and a dagger with a red jewel on the hilt that has powers. Marital Status: Single Magic (Able to use/not able to use, what kind): Shadow magic, its used to make illusions like a trail of arms, making it hard to know exactly where my sword/dagger truly are at a physical moment/and used to muffle noise/movement. Also, can use to make small changes in appearance. Not mastered by any means Skills: Pick-pocket, Lockpicking, Swordplay/ Ambidextrous/ Acrobatic