After walking through the square in search of answers, Altin overheard the crier shouting about gathering heroes. He thought it was just the type of thing to lure a paladin out. Altin's lips curled into a smirk at the irony. I am hunting a paladin to deliver him justice. He laughed aloud at the thought and quickly stopped. Best to keep my composure he thought. Instead of going up to a recruiter and asking about it, Altin thought it best to go to the tavern and inquire around. Upon walking in, he looked around to survey the place and saw a few adventurers, and the barkeep throwing some kind of rant about an ugly piece of paper? He also spied the barmaid and decided it would be best to approach her in regards to this banner. "Excuse me, fair lady. But might I inquire about all this commotion and that piece of paper? What is all this in regards to?" He also asked if she knew a paladin matching the description of Monterro's slayer and the dwarf.