[hider=Ragnara Kolbjorn] [center] [img]http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m619/TemerousNox/Character%20Casting%20Photos/1270382287_227386_1270004299_large_zps53469a9a.jpg[/img] [/center] Name: Ragnara Kolbjorn Height: 5'11 Weight: 180 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Age: 32 Race: Maenad Character Tier: Intermediate Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant, Personality Description: Ragnara has a rather nasty disposition, in that she is rather unwelcoming to strangers and even more mistrustful towards them. It takes her a long time to become comfortable around with another, but even then she always keeps them at arms length. She does enjoy having a good time however, and is willing to share a drink with anyone she can stand, sometimes even those she can't. Her life experiences have taught her it is best to enjoy life to its fullest now, for who knows what tomorrow may bring. Giving her a fun-loving almost hedonistic life style, always living for the moment. This carefree attitude to life sometimes extends or relationships as well. It also seems she has an iron stomach for heavy drinking, as it seems to have never affected her work. Ragnara also has a habit of talking to fast, or seemingly day dreaming at random intervals. Her time under the wing of Malcolm has helped in curbing her fiendish nature, though it is still present, resulting in a very self-serving lifestyle. Though she upholds herself by a strict form of morals taught to her by Malcolm himself. As a rule, Ragnara can be rather foul mouth when angered, while retaining a habit of not trying to explain things to others that seem obvious to her. Class: Soulknife [b]Skills:[/b] (Intermediate)Hand to Hand- Ragnara uses a form of Maenadairn martial art, called Cha Phoe Rai, very similar to Capoeira mixed with Taekwondo yet with one major difference. Instead of relying on kicks and elbow strikes alone, Ragnara can strike using the power of her mind as an extension of her will. As a soulknife she recognizes her own mind as the most beautiful—and the most deadly—thing in all creation. With this understanding and through extended practice, Ragnara has learned to forge her mental strength into a shimmering blade of semisolid psychic energy. Carabi is the fundamental movement in Cha Phoe Rai, important both for attack and defense purposes. It has two main objectives. One is to keep the Maenadairn in a state of constant motion, preventing him or her from being a still and easy target. The other, using also fakes and feints, is to mislead, fool, trick the opponent, leaving them open for an attack or a counter-attack with the style as a whole resembling more a dance. (Low)Mental Discipline- Ragnara has trained her mind to gain mastery over her entire body and her mind’s own deepest capabilities. This allows her to resist psonic attacks with her own mental defenses. Ragnara can also attempt to memorize a long string of numbers, a long passage of verse, or some other particularly difficult piece of information. a Life time of self discipline and concentration allows Ragnarato spot a liar easily, as well as lip read at a distance thanks to her improved awareness. Ragnara can also probe an area as large as large as 100 feet around her for nearby beings and detect their presence, mindless beings cannot not be detected. (Intermediate)Autohypnosis - With her iron will Ragnarais capable of ignoring most wounds and the pain they cause. The wound doesn't go away—it is just ignored through self-persuasion. Ragnara's mental discipline allows her to resist the effects and damage of traditional and potent poisons. Ragnaracan also use this discipline to control her flow of breathing to a near standstill, using her mental energies to fuel her body. (Low)Physicality- Ragnara's own physical body is not that different then a humans, only being slightly more durable and stronger then a normal human. Their biology overall is very similar to a humans however, their skulls are much thicker and resistant to blunt trauma. Maenad brains are also far more evolved than that of a humans, capable of processing information as quickly as a super computer of modern days standards. Allowing them to easily solve complex math problems with astonishing ease. (Intermediate)Speed- Ragnara has trained her body to peak performance much the same as she has her mind. This is further enhanced by her psionic powers, allowing her to sprint at speeds exceeding 280 mph for burst speed running using her powers only. Otherwise her normal running speed is just over 20mph. (Low)Reflexes- Ragnara strict training regime and her own racial background grants her reaction speeds thrice as fast a normal human. (Intermediate)Energy Anchor- Ragnara years of discipline in manipulating her Psychic energy, has allowed her to protect herself from many forms of lethal radiation or life draining powers. [b]Equipment:[/b] (Intermediate)Boots of Crawling- These dark blue knee high boots allow a psionic wearer to instantly tick to almost whatever surface they're feet connect too. These boots will also allow the wearer to recover instantly from a fall and can absorb some damage from falling twice per day. (Intermediate)Gloves of Grander- Ragnara dark blue leather gloves help amplify Ragnara's own Psionic powers. If she manages to grab hold of them with either gloved hand for a full turn, she manages to establish a connection to their mind using their neural pathways. Once done she can tap into their memories. Doing so she can selecvitly make her opponent forget a spell or spherical ability, meanwhile learning all of their capabilities and knowledge along with weaknesses (Undead and constructs are immune to this power). Ragnara can also clap her hands together to create a powerful psionic blast, a catapsi power, which blankets a 30-foot-radius area surrounding her in telepathic noise for 4 rounds. Each time other psionic characters within this range attempt to manifest a power, they must charge it an extra post in order to find enough focus. In short you need a prep to over come it. (Intermediate)Collapsible disk- This disk resembles a small round thin metal disk the size of a large toonie coin 60mm in diameter. It is made of mylar, a metallized nylon, a material stronger than reinforced steel. It is retracted into a small portable disk hung at her waist belt for easy storage, the device unfolded into a saucer. Ragnara can unfold it large enough to stand on, using her psionic powers to levitate and fly. She also learned to use it as a shield, and cut objects at high speed. While flying it has a max speed of 300 mph. (Intermediate)[b]Psionic:[/b] Simply put, psionics is the art of tapping the mind’s potential. A psionic being is blessed with a form of innate ability that enables him or her to use mental power to achieve goals or perform tasks that non-psionic beings can only accomplish — if they’re even capable of doing them at all — by using gross physical skills such as brute strength or raw agility, or by using intellect or force of will as distinct from the natural power of the mind itself. A user of the soulknife technique can change psychic energy into shields, and, weapons. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need. Ragnara has only learned enough to create minor weapons and shields. Though Psionic Weaponry itself has many dangerous effects, including warping the minds of others, igniting pain sensors, destroying physical portions of the brain, and destroying psionic forms or astral projections. A soulknife cannot form a weapon and a shield at the same time due to the completely different functions of these types of constructs. (High)Mind blade- At will a soulknife can create a semisolid blade composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to a short sword of a size appropriate for its wielder. Ragnara Kolbjorn can form these mind blades from her hands or her feet or even form elbows strikes. The blades can be broken; however, a soulknife can simply create another with a thought. The moment she relinquishes her grip on her blade, it dissipates (unless she intends to throw it or distills it from her feet/knees/elbows). A mind blade is preternaturally sharp, as it's edge is controlled by the wielder, it can cut through most objects on par with most monomolecular blades. It's sharpness however is controlled by the amount of prep used to form it. (Intermediate)Throw Mind Blade- Ragnara can throw her mind blade as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet, traveling roughly 180fps. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates. (Intermediate)Psychic Strike- As a soulknife Ragnara can imbue her mind blade or physical hits with destructive psychic energy. using this ability Ragnara can transfer up to 3 tons of force into a blow when swinging with the full momentum of her body found in Cha Phoe Rai. A psychic surge of pain also transfers through the opponents nerve system to their mind. Enough pain explodes within their own psych that they find it difficult to collect their thoughts for a short time, which may leave them open. Constructs, undead, and generally mindless beings are immune to this effect. (Intermediate)Psionic Blitz- Ragnara is able to accelerate themselves to high speeds, often transforming herself into a destructive projectile of pure kinetic force in the process. Ragnara is able to utilize her psionic energies, creating an aura of invisible but tangible field of force which surrounds her turning her into a fast moving projectile sphere. Ragnara is then capable of smashing right through anything and any defense as long as it has less preps behind it. This power increases her land speed into 200 mph for two seconds, she can manifest this power with an instant thought, quickly enough to gain the benefit of the power lucidly, but unprepped it cannot go through any defense. It has a cool down of four post before she can retain the right frame of mind to use it again. (Intermediate)Bladewind- Ragnara momentarily can fragment her mind blade into numerous identical blades, each of which strikes unerringly at a nearby opponent. Ragnara can create up to three dozen of these small blades all traveling roughly the same speed as their larger parent. (Intermediate)Shatter- Once per day Ragnara can unleash a devastating blast of sonic energy in the from of a mighty shout. It is accompanied by a tremendous scream of rage. Shatter creates a loud, ringing noise that breaks brittle, nonmagical objects; sunders a single solid, nonmagical object; or damages crystalline creatures. Used as an area attack, shatter destroys nonmagical objects of crystal, glass windows, ceramic objects, or porcelain. All such objects within a 50-foot cone radius in front of Ragnara. (Intermediate)Psychic Protection- Ragnara can form armor around her body shaping it out of raw psychic energy for protection resembling a semisolid invisible but tangible field of mental force. This armor can absorb most of the kinetic force behind a a blow. It can resist a hit from a 25 mm (25×137mm) M792, High Explosive Incendiary round point blank. Anything prepped can easily cut through it, it is also weak against continued fire even from small caliber rounds. Ragnara is able to form a shield or a field created from force-fields of psychic energy though these only protect in one direction. But unlike her Psychic armor, can be charged to defeat powerful attacks. [b]Strengths: [/b] Fast and highly agile form of fighting style. Fusion of Force-Fields with physical combat make for an unpredictable combination. Quite capable of facing other Psionic's. [b]Weakness:[/b] Continued use of her powers can cause a strain on her mind. Lack of room to maneuver can spell disaster. Cannot create psionic shields or armor at the same time as her mind blades. Endurance no greater then Low tier beings. Character History: (TBD) [/hider] [hider=Raceinfo] Maenads are a race rumored to be wildly emotional, but perceived as extremely reserved by those who encounter them. In fact, both rumor and perception are true: Maenads have developed strict self-control as a means of holding their intense emotional turmoil at bay. On the rare occasion when a maenad loses his control, a flood of emotion rises to the surface, often to be released in acts of stunning bravery or violence. Maenads have a strong martial bent, useful for venting the passions they keep bottled up. Maenads know not the source of their spiritual anger, but legend has it that they were terribly wronged by a higher power in some distant time. Some tales suggest that the maenads were a race of bestial creatures who were able to contain their mad frenzy only after overthrowing their own deity. Personality: Maenads seem discreet and calm, restrained and undemonstrative, unwilling to use a sentence when a word will do, and happier still with a gesture if words can be dispensed with altogether. To maintain a life in civilized lands and even (or especially) among themselves, maenads must practice a discipline of mental calm, lest the fury of their racial memories break forth. Physical Description: Maenads are tall and wiry, standing over 6 feet tall and typically weighing around 200 pounds, with maenad males the same height as and only marginally heavier than maenad females. They wear the dark hair on their heads long and braided (and have no hair elsewhere on their bodies). Their skin is dusted with a peculiar sparkle, as of gem dust, giving them a striking luster in the right light. This sparkle is a natural component of their skin, which is flecked with bits of living crystal. Maenads possess grace and fine features, and are almost elven in their beauty. They prefer heavier clothing, and wear armor if it’s available. [/hider]