Moira wised up and understood what Wolf had been saying, she had somewhat of a glare though when he had told her his intent to kill was not credible. Despite the truth to his words she couldn't let him know that. [b]Not a threat? Am I not threatening to you? All wolves cowered at the mere sight of me but, you aren't like all wolves obviously...[/b] She thought toward him, baring her teeth, other than that display she remained completely docile. She listened on when he spoke, tilting her head to the side in slight confusion, she had not heard of a gorilla with such intellect or a brain in a case just being its accomplice for that matter. She had a look of disbelief, she did her best to hide it from him but she couldn't even begin to imagine it. But it seemed he was telling the truth, how else could this have happened to him. [b]Me? I was born this way, gifted with the knowledge and power of my predecessors, chosen to watch over the forests of the world. Through that I met a child, I took him in and raised him as my own, I brought him here so that he may help people.[/b] She explained. --- Arachnid was less than fazed by the masked man, eyeing the odd X shaped weapons, he evaded the attack with relative ease, he dropped down to level ground with his new opponent. He had his hands aimed forward, letting loose a volley of impact webbing, a technique he used with his webbing that cause it to go from a tight ball to an explosion of webbing.