[b]Name:[/b] Kanitah Noraha Ayna [b]Age:[/b] 53 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Theme Song:[/b][youtube]Nh7QOx8Z30I[/youtube] [b]Race:[/b] Pundambayan. [b]Random descriptors:[/b] -Height: 5'3" -Weight: 398 lbs -Hair Color: Salt and pepper grey -Eyes: Single long pupil stretching in a horizontal rectangle surrounded by a solid soft creamy orange mixture. -Skin Color: A dim creamy skin tone, almost appearing caucasian but not quite. Somewhere a bit closer to yellow than your average caucasian man. [b]Character Tier:[/b] Intermediate (With potential for high tier, with the right equipment.) [b]Character Type:[/b] Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [b]Physical Description:[/b] Pundambayan's are only slightly different from humans in biology, in fact they're just more evolved humans. Their muscle structure is less primative and more tightly packed, making the larger ones a huge threat. And that's just what Kanitah is. Kanitah looks like a lumberjack took up the hobby of also being a body builder. Though he's getting along in years Kanitah's physical fitness has always been a prime concern. Daily strength training and vitamin supplements keep him at his physical peak. The top of his head is covered in unkempt salt and pepper hair and it's contrasted with a thick and bushy beard, the damn thing is so thick that you could punch it and your fist might get stuck. That's happened before. His mustache is so well tamed that you could hit it with a hammer and it would pop back into shape before you withdrew the weapon. Kanitah's got a sense of importance about him. As though he's destined for even greater things. Appropriately he carries himself like a really big man, chest out and chin up. His arms constantly swing as he walks, hoisting them unnecessarily high with every swing. He dresses simply, wearing long sleeved collared button up shirts and pants that fit nicely. He does not wear fancy clothes. He does not dress in body armor. He does not wear anything that would suggest that he's anything more than the ordinary man. Underneath his clothing is a Herculean form, a body that looks chiseled from stone. It's actually not made of stone, he's just incredibly fit. He would look good standing beside a young Lou Ferrigno. On his back are four scars that are placed just above and below vital organs, they appear to be remnants of old wounds from battles long since ended. From chest to toe he's riddled with finely shaped hair. If you're not catching it, he loves to shape his hair. Like everywhere. To be honest, on more than one occasion he's been called cartoonish and overly masculine. These are true in many ways, and yet they belie something more. [b]Personality Description:[/b] From a young age Kanitah has seen the future as a bright and vibrant place, full of possibility and potential. His dreams of a better world and a bright future have not waned as the years have passed. Though he has become a bit more serious as time has gone by, learning that not everything is going to go his way, but still withholding a hope for the future. At the current time he's as heroic as one can possibly be, seriously, he's the kind of hero who will lay down his life for you twice. If at all possible. [b]Skills, powers and abilities:[/b] [hider= List of Kanitah's Powers] -[Intermediate]Darligrov: A word of power passed down from his father and his father's father, you know the deal. It's a word of power that his family has held for generations, and Darligrov is a greater word of power if ever there was one. Obviously a magical word it draws energy from the various flows of mysticism; Aether, Mana, Ki, Chi, Laylines, whatever you want to list on here it draws from it. It's not a specific deal, anything to do with a magical source and it draws from it. First off is the fact that it's caustic to those of unjust heart, it burns to the touch. Like dipping your hand in a vat of strong acid it causes great pain and will permanently scar you if you try to touch it for too long. Second off, it only picks up minute fragments of energy from a place with varying sources of power. This allows it to maintain a constant level of potency, rather than fluctuating or dissipating over time. Darligrov grants him only one power. Just one. The rest is all natural, baby. Force manipulation. No, not The Force. Force, the kinetic transferal of energy based on acceleration and mass. Upon activation, Darligrov bathes Kanitah in a series of calm auburn rings. Two around every part of his body; head(2), shoulders(4), elbows(4), hands(4), forearms(4), knees(4), feet(4), and chest(2). These rings multiply the attacks dealt by the part of the body they surround. Not like, multiplying the force, the rings simply travel after the blow and strike the target in imediate succession once the blow collides. With no alteration a single punch can deliver three blows to a target for one instance, but with his hands he can take these rings and move them to other parts of his body. With a maximum output of 28x blows per instant if he puts them all on one part of his body. As with all things that give you more power, this takes time and he can only move them one at a time. (4 per turn.) The potency scaling also effects grip and running speed, the more rings on his body in his feet and hands the more it works. In his hands it multiplies how much force you've got on what you are holding. If there are two rings, then it's as though there's three hands holding onto you. In his feet it multiplies the force of his footsteps, with two rings each step has the force of three steps, allowing him to move three times the speed that he normally would. -[Intermediate] Peak Pundambayan Biology: Pundambayan's are a tough race of migrant workers on a planet with greater gravity and a harsher environment than humans. Each Pundambayan is born and raised until the age of 21 on their homeworld, Pundambaya 1, and once they reach 21 years they are sent to Pundambaya 2. Pundambaya 2 is a much more hospitable planet with lofty environments and a much weaker gravity. Every single person on the planet is comprable to a Superhuman, and Kanitah is the best of the best. Having enlisted in the military before the age of 16 he was able to get formal training in the body and the mind. They made him stronger and faster than many men, and they taught him how to kill. They taught him everything that a military man needs to know, and that was still not enough. The military sent him to a more harsh world with 100 other men and women to survive for five years using only his skills and strength, and boy did he succeed. Of the 20 that came back he was the least wounded. If only due to Darligrov's granted powers. On his return journey his physical abilities on a world with Earth-like gravity were spectacular. [list] [*]Increased Strength: His strength training in greater gravity zones have increased his maximum ability to 10 tons lifting strength and 13 tons pushing strength. His punches carry enough force to send a car flying and rip a normal man in half.[/*] [*]Enhanced Speed: Outside of high gravity worlds he is able to meet 60 mph running speed with ease. Traveling a mile a minute, in a literal sense.[/*] [*]Highly Resilliant Skin: His exposure to high gravity and high temperatures have practically forged his skin to the tensile strength of studded leather. This allows for resistance to bladed weapons, as they don't pass as easily through the tough yet stretchy skin.[/*] [*]Jump Height: Damn near capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound, a jump in an Earth-like gravity is 28 feet vertical. 64 feet horizontal.[/*] [*]Advanced bone density: His bones are, of course, harder than human's bones. Easily comprable to those of a rhinocerous in durability.[/*] [*]Increased Sensory Organs: Fun fact, in a heavier gravity everything moves slower. So his ears adapted to pick up on sound better, his eyes pick up movement 3 times faster than a human can, and his nose can pick up smells at 4 times the distance of your average human.[/*][/list] -[Intermediate]Military Combat Specialization: A full battery of martial arts, strength, and equipment training have given him the skills necessary to utilize any weapon to his advantage. Including his own body. Trained in two martial arts he has formed a unique fighting style that is equal parts brutallity and control, making every single punch count. Along with proficiency with any weapon in his hands, this makes him a deadly foe both armed and unarmed. [/hider] [b]Character Equipment:[/b] [hider= Amplifier] -[High]The Daligrov Engine: This backpack is actually much more than your average piece of storage, it is a machine full of a powerful mystical resonating crystal that picks up on magic a lot faster and efficiently than Kanitah can naturally. This is what gives him the potential to reach high tier abilities. With a flick of a switch the Daligrov engine secures itself to his back, how you ask? By boring into his flesh with three long drills and cementing itself to four of his ribs. The drills expand outward with wires and infest his very being, attaching to his nervous system and heart. This winding system of wires and metal are like a violent surge of pain throughout his body, and after he activates it he is left totally helpless until he can get back up again. However, this pain is worth the incredible power boost that he gains from this grotesque invention. The massive boost amplifies Daligrov's potential by 1 ring per body part, allowing for a 3rd addition to the force multiplication. Meaning that a single punch would carry not three times the force, but four times the total amount of power in one instance. The metallic structures within also latch onto his musculature and skin, digging themselves in and enhancing their abilities. This allows him to have three times his original strength, giving him impressive physical strength and movement. [list] [*]Even further amplified physical strength: Capable of now lifting 30 tons of weight with his bare hands, and his push force is 36 tons now. A single punch can level large buildings and knock people through other people, shattering them on contact. There are now; head(3), shoulders(6), elbows(6), hands(6), forearms(6), knees(6), feet(6), and chest(3). [/*] [*]Even further amplified movement speed: Once only able to travel a mile a minute, he can travel 3 miles in 1 minute. Capable of running at 180mph.[/*] [*]Ridiculous jump height: The most amplified of these powers is his jump height, able to now jump almost 70 feet vertical and 160 feet horizontal.[/*] [*]Superhuman Endurance: With his naturally leathery hide enhanced by metal that has spread through his dermis and skeleton he is able to withstand great forces, blades that could once cut through steel are slowed to almost a halt within his multi layered body. His bones can withstand the blast force of 2lbs of C4 ordinance now.[/*] [/list][/hider] [b]Character History:[/b] Born on planet Pundambaya 1, Kanitah was naturally blessed with a cheerful demeanor and a hopeful outlook on everything in the world. So cheerful that it began to get weird. After his father passed down Daligrov to his son Kanitah joined the military and was sent to hostile worlds to train in extreme conditions to become one of the greatest breeds of warrior in the universe. Possibly in the entire multiverse, I mean they can be mass produced by the hundreds. The only thing that makes Kanitah stand out is his incredible Daligrov powers, and his incredibly positive attitude. Later, after leaving the military he met up with an odd scientist on his homeworld who was fascinated with the mystical abilities that he demonstrated. He stayed there and gave the scientist a full battery of tests before leaving to have some down time on the peaceful and less hostile Pundambaya 2. It was three years before he heard from the scientist again, and when he did oh boy was it urgent. He rushed to his homeworld and found the scientist with one foot in the grave, the guy had perfected something for him as his last and greatest invention. The Daligrov Engine was his final creation, and to be honest it couldn't have come at a better time. From the nearest star system came an invading force of power armored supersoldiers, they attacked both planets at the same time. And the only person who was able to fight at full ability on Pundambaya 2 was Kanitah. And did he fight. As the soldiers were in their landing gear they tried to attack in waves, the great gravity of their homeworld was far too much for them to move at a dangerous speed. Kanitah plugged the machine into his back and proceeded to sweep his planet clean of invading forces. It was like an incredibly painful dream state, while he was completely sane for the duration he felt odd. Likely due to his nerves being regulated by the machine now, it took some getting used to but by the time he had saved the planet it felt as natural as the day he became a man. Yes, in that way. He was regailed as a hero among supermen, and spent a good portion of his life in relative comfort. Recieving huge payment from the mutual world governments for saving their planet, and their birthing planet. Multiplanet politics are weird. Since then he has retired, making sound investments here and there to make sure he never has to work again in his life. Until he found the portal. Well, you know where it goes from here. [b]Important Information:[/b] The Darligrov word of power does nothing to amplify his lifting weight, as the rings MOVE to multiply the force. Making it a single instance thing, rather than a sustained effect. His total lifting force is 10 in intermediate and 30 in high. Darligrov amplifies strike force more than anything else.