[quote=Burthstone]"Vark Bacarus - Room E5 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A"[/quote] He looks at the note and nods, he walks around the ship a bit looking for the Dorm. Finally after some time he asked around and figured out where to go and headed to his dorm right away with his bag and a suitcase. Crossing part of the ship trying to get there in the process. "I really have to learn everything about where everything is here..." He stays away from most of the other Divitians and looks at several that tried to get close to him with a sour look, not really trusting anyone. When he finally reaches the dorm, he sees the top bunk of one of the beds is taken. He shrugs it off and takes a bottom bunk of one. He starts to take out his things, some pictures of nature in frames on his wall, a framed poem from a friend, yes amazing, that he lost quite a long time ago next to his bed, A notepad and some pencils he puts to the side along with some other things he makes sure no one is around as he puts them away, and finally just puts his clothes away in his bag under his bed. He looks around and bows his head for a moment before looking up, sighs in relief at the quiet and enjoys it for some time before getting up, getting dressed in some pants and heads out to get to Security.