The sound of a fiends shriek was heard, and a large monster began to barrel towards the crowd of people. This fiend in particular had been known to cast dark magic on all party members in a battle, and having a crowd so together would only make this into mayhem if someone didn't know how to fight. It's long tongue hung out of its open maw as it charged at the crowd of fangirls surrounding the white haired celebrity. The girls screamed, and began to dash away in fear. Before anyone could do anything, there was the hiss of sand being run over quickly, and a black chocobo with a pale woman riding on him dashed in front of the massive fiend. She stood up as it ran beside the fiend and jumped onto its massive back, her trench coat looking like a massive cape. She drew both her swords in the air which glowed with blue flames as her attack commenced. The motion of an X was drawn at the speed she moved her blades. The monster fell, crying out in pain as its body hit the warm sand and she soumersalted off its body, her hand digging into the sand. She remained there for a moment. Behind her, the monsters body crawled with frost where she had slashed, and broke apart into pieces as a giant hunk of frozen mass. She looked up, slowly, her Ice blue eyes burning with contempt at the group of people. She stood up slowly and put her swords back into their holsters and walked to Gippal. Once she was in front of him, she grabbed him by the front of his shirt, hissing. "Fiends are thick in this part you FOOL! Do you endanger the lives of others so calmly?" She yelled at him, her eyes staring into his, bitter and angry. That was of course until her chocobo ran up towards him, chirping happily at the sight of the ball he had signed. Both her and Gippal were pushed into the water beside the docks, the chocobo coming after them, and the woman let out a surprised cry when she fell into the water. The chocobo was the first to emerge, clutching its prize in its mouth. It took the ball up to the beach with a sort of prance only a proud chocobo could do before it began to play with its new toy. The water it shook off from its feathers went onto the people beside it.