Queen Avaline: The queen was taking a stroll along the wall of the front gate, she noticed Jurano and Fort leaving and said a quiet good luck to them. She rested at a tree and noticed Maria running out of the main entrance, she knew she was going to find Jurano, she almost got up when Celestia grabbed Maria and watched as she sliced a card through her ear and landed just above her head in the tree. She walked over to the pair and picked both of them up with ease, hanging them in mid air. Despite her height and frail build, she was considered a beast in bunny form. "Now, now, now you two. First of all, Celestia, only a mother can punish her children like that." Her face smiling but hid rage beyond compare. "So Celestia, I am telling you to go to your room, this may seem childish but at least it's not the dungeon. Maria you are to not leave this castle, your brother will be home in time." She dropped them both making them land on their behinds and stood pointing towards the castle. Jurano and Fort: At the main camp on the front lines Jurano couldn't help but be excited. "Now then, we know that Avantina and Koat Light-bringer are participating in this battle. What we don't know is when or where they will come from, so I want everyone prepared as soon as possible." Fort ordered the soldiers that were gathered around the main area of the camp. Jurano was standing off to the side witha slight smirk and fidgeted with some shadows nearby. The camp was dark and desolate, almost hidden from sight, that at a first glance you couldn't see it. They hid this camp well and made many fake along the ridge lline. If anything this camp will be hard to find...