[centre][b]Sarah's Request[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/SBBQ3cm.jpg] [/centre] --- Eins's instincts alerted her as she approached the mirror just in time to crush a spider emerging from the pouch of gold she'd just attempted to pocket. The creature with a sharp red stripe on its back before it perished. Ignoring the advice of the rest of the party she approached the mirror crossing the glowing pentagram. Within the reflecting Eins saw herself reflected. More beautiful than she was however, more alluring and interesting. But Ein's manages to shrug off the mental influence of the mirror after what seemed but a moment, but was in truth closer to half a minute. And the timing was impeccable. From the passage to her right, crowded with cobwebs a number of giant spiders were emerging hungering for her flesh, summoned by the mirrors call. "Slay them!" One of the larger spiders said in a tone barely audible to Eins. "Guard the Master! Slay the two-legs!" While Kasim, Naream and Andrea could not yet see the spiders, they could hear the clatter of their legs upon the stone floors and the hiss of spider-like chitter. A sound the two drow would definitely recognise instantly. --- --- --- [centre][b]Carnival of Chaos[/b] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/205/c/c/dark_carnival_by_feuerkorn-d4q08xv.jpg] [/centre] --- In the Hall of Mirror's Cristoff's light easily enlightened the area and revealed the real fuse, A few steps was all it took for him to cross the span to the bomb and snuff it, it didn't take much for Cristoff to realise that had the bomb gone off there would have been little for him to be discovered had it gone off instead. And then the world changed again. The 'hall of mirrors' illusion fell away as Cristoff 'solved the puzzle' instead finding himself in a stable. And worse... standing right in some horses leavings next to which the bomb had been placed. Looking around reveals that the illusion covering that part of the town had fallen away as well. It revealed a rather bleak town reminiscent of that before the illusion had taken place. There were no crows in sight anywhere. And yet as some of the townfolk peeked from their homes they soon slammed the doors shut once more. The fear could almost be felt. And then Cristoff noticed the flame and smoke climbing skywards from the direction his brother had gone for his challenge. --- Aneura fought to dodge the increasingly more difficult pendulums swinging before finally failing and overbalancing once too often, the blade came in low at a horizontal angle and ripped into Aneura's left leg deeply and Aneura could no longer retain balance. Fortunately she managed to pull herself out of the way of the next and dropped marginally into a small dip. The sight of a large bomb and a fuse burning almost to it however managed to renew her resolve and made the leap towards the bomb snatching the fuse at the very last moment snuffing the spark there and then. The illusion collapsed as the bomb was defused and Aneura found herself in a warehouse of some sort, presumably for keeping the town stores. It wouldn't take Aneura much to realise that she needed to bind her wound now, before she bled out. --- Hanus found himself beset by crows as he fought to reach the bomb he could smell the gunpowder. He lashed out with his weapons to strike the creatures without losing momentum tearing through it easily to the bomb whereupon he wrenched the fuse from it as crows pecked for his eyes. Upon the fuse's removal however the illusion burst like a bubble poked by a stick. The crows were gone along with the large pavilion and instead he found himself in an enclosed paddock being watched by three rather disconcerted cows who were certain that the Vampire must surely be responsible. Then he noticed the smoking section of town and knew he'd failed... At least some of the Queen's relations were dead. And seeing red General Hanus Wolfblood began to move purposefully towards the Inn where the vile mage had conducted his vicious assault.