Guess I'm about due to post about a couple. Custom Robo, and by extension, Custom Robo Arena.

Both are shooter-fighting games in which each player commands a tiny robot and dukes it out. With thousands of different ways to create your own custom robo [s](get it?)[/s] each player's unique death machine was just as one-of-a-kind to them as their strategy. I personally like pressuring the opponent and restricting their movements while leaping all over the place, but that's just me. That said, both games had amazing soundtracks, and Arena had a pretty decent story given the premise of the game. The GameCube's Custom Robo had an excellent story, on the other hand, with plenty of unique plot twists as the game moved onward and an imposing villain. I've actually been replaying Arena since last night, and plan to start over on the GameCube's Custom Robo again soon. Love that game.

It's a crying shame we don't have any new titles for that series, at least not that I'm aware of. With advances in gaming technology (specifically the Wii U & 3DS) a Custom Robo game could bring on a whole new level of depth and connection with your robo. Dreamers gotta dream, I guess.