Celestia returned to her room, as ordered by the queen. "HYAA!" Celestia punched one of her brick walls. "That little brat! How dare she insult me in such a way, attack me and get off without a punishment!?" Celestia walked back and forth plotting a devious plan... "She's probably upstairs somewhere, singing, her songs are really starting to aggravate me..." Celestia could hear the princess singing from up stairs. "HYAA!" She once again, punched her brick wall. "I know!" Celestia said clenching her fist. "I'll place a hex on her so she can no longer talk for the entire day! Ahahaha~" Celestia giggled with excitement, she walked over to her cauldron the back of her room. "I'll have to cook up a nice piece of strawberry short cake, she'll never suspect a thing! Ahahaha!" Celestia placed several items into the cauldron as it bubbled. Newt Tails, Bat Wings, The Feather Of An Owl and just for the scent, a Rose. Celestia's cauldron bubbled, crackled and popped, the mixture melted away leaving only one slice of amazingly aromatic Strawberry Shortcake. "Now to take this to the princess and 'apologize' " Celestia placed the piece of cake on one of her very special black, crystal plates and carried it out to the princess.