[i]It was so dark. Darkness and warmth were smothering me, pressing against me until I couldn't breathe. Even with my eyes open there was nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even the faintest shimmer of light pierced this darkness. It was suffocating and uncomfortable for a while, but soon after my body adjusted. Over time it changed, from a suffocating cell to a safe and comfortable womb for me to linger in. Still, even in this safe darkness of my mind it felt like something was missing. Somebody was waiting for me, I couldn't keep them waiting, could I? Oh, but this place was so calm and peaceful, I could stay here forev- No! I had to get out, had to see that person waiting for me. For some reason it felt like it was the most important thing in the world, like nothing else mattered. I fought my dark prison, that sweet warm room that tried to seduce me in staying longer, but this time I had a resolve to follow. Slowly, but surely, light started to pierce through the darkness, more and more untill it engulfed me and I was able to see clearly again...[/i] Zayne's eyes opened slowly, the room spinning around her. She was disoriented and felt weak, her body didn't do what she said and she could hardly move. One thing, one spot in the room was clear though, the spot Ryan was sitting on. 'R..R-Ryan..' it was difficult to speak, as if her tongue was stuck to her teeth, but she could say his name.