Koat followed the captain and when he asked for details she saluted. "Koat Lightwind, age 17, I'm twins with the very annoying Jurano Lightwind. I presume you know Juranos backstory? Well if you can't remember then i'll remind you. Me and Jurano are twins, when we were around the age of four we were captured by a Doctor Freon Marmusa. We were seperated and experimented on almost everyday for around six years. One day an angel commando squad destroyed the factory but never found the doctor and we were freed being able to see each other once again. After maybe two years Marmusa tried kidnapping me and almost got away with it when I escaped on the planet we were just on and then the rest is simple. I worked odd jobs and then you picked me up and now I can see my bro again after five years." She didn't realise it at the time but she had tears in her eyes.