[b]Druid[/b] Elin glared at the boy that had seemingly attacked her as he formed from a sort of mud creature to a regular person. Her cheeks went a darker shade of green when he complimented her powers. She placed her hand to the back of her head again and sucked air through her teeth as the wound stung her. “Well, I’m Elin” She said as a last minute courtesy. “What are you doing here? Are you one of those chosen for the hero team?” She asked of him, nature slowly letting go of Geb but she was still a bit cautious. [b]MindJack[/b] Mindjack sat down on the ledge of the building, looking down at the two costumed guys. They were obviously skilled with their chosen weaponry and agile as hell. The bug guy had some sort of web devices on his wrists which Mindjack figured were for entangling his enemies and this black X guy might be going for a more utility ninja by the looks of him. [i]Get in there. Battle these freaks and show them what true power is all about[/i] The spirit said within Mindjack. The telekinetic could feel the eagerness that the spirit held at the prospect of battling these guys and probably meant for Mindjack to allow him to take over instead of showing them his own power. [b]No, I won’t. Not now. Not yet. They may tire each other out, burn each other’s ammo. I’ll wait a little longer before I make my own move. Until then, be silent, spirit[/b] Mindjack said within the privacy of his own mind. As a way to make use of his inactivity, four different pebbles rose from the roof behind him and began to orbit the red clad vigilante, a practice of focusing on multiple objects.