[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1215/posts/ooc?page=1#post-12648]Eins Nimgrud[/url][/center] --- Eins was just feeling more than a little bit pleased with herself before she sensed something was amiss with the gold pouch she picked up. Quick as lightning, she moved her hand towards whatever it was emerging from inside the pouch and thoroughly crushed it in an armored fist. "..what the bloody..." A spider. Poisonous, she would guess from the angry red markings it had on its body. Damned underground buildings, infested with vermins and the likes. The next time she should ever see another pouch, she'd make sure to stomp on it first. The male drow's shoutings were ignored; nothing good came out of listening to a drow. She crossed over the drawings on the floor, edging closer to the mirror as she approached the dead dwarf. There was nothing else she could tell about the dwarf other than he died horribly, then got webbed all over by spiders. While there was nothing to suggest she was in immediate danger, the thing in her head squirmed uneasily. Then she took a glance in the mirror, almost looking away before noticing she looked different. She looked.... well, clean for the first part. People who was in her sort of profession didn't often have time to visit a bath house in the middle of a battlefield after all. But it wasn't only that, she seemed to have quite a curve; her breast were fuller, she herself had gotten a bit taller, and her face seemed to glow. Her face.... her.... The thing in her head squirmed harder, enough to cause her a bit of pain, her hand reflexively pressing against it. Her fake eye, it seemed, was not impressed. She suddenly realized she had been staring at the mirror for quite a bit, and tore her gaze away. What on earth just happened? There wasn't any time for her to ponder however, for from her left, from a corridor she had previously thought impassable thus not worth mentioning, a [i]horde[/i] of spiders seemed to crawl out. "Slay them! Guard the Master! Slay the two-legs!" "Oh, bloody..." She turned tails immediately, retreating back through the door. "Oi, stop fondling the dwarves! We have monsters afoot!" She stopped her sprinting just short of the bridge, pivoting suddenly, bringing her sword about in a sweep towards the nearest of the spiders pursuing her. Bringing a halt to her swing, she held her sword at the ready, preparing for another strike should another spider dare come within range of her sword. Will those other people help her? She was more afraid of being eaten by spiders at this point than being stabbed in the back. Being eaten was not how she wanted to go out.