[quote=The Jest] " Your shape-shifting skills are impressive as always, Ryan." Exodos said as his body lost all texture or design, becoming some sort of human-shaped mist of purple particles and reformed into a different face, Ryan's body, before shaping quickly back to his own preferred one. He then looked at Zayne, smiling gently when he heard her response."I see, good to hear. We wouldn't want to lose you, and have Death to answer to for it. Now, it doesn't have to be this instant, since you're just getting up, but later I would like to perform check-up just to be sure. With that said, I'll provide you with some pain medication. The Captain requested a meeting and we've landed on the Citadel." He then said to Zayne, taking out his bottle again and putting two pills in the desk by Zayne's bed. [/quote] [quote=rusty4297] Ryan's head that was looking at Mina continued to smile, glad that she said she was okay overall. When she asked the question of how long she was out, he glanced at the ground, "I don't know exactly, I was knocked out as well..." His eyes returned to looking at her, smiling as she grabbed his hand and said she was just glad to be back. "You're not the only one that's glad you're back." The other head, nodded in gratitude towards X, as he had just complimented his shape-shifting abilities before showing an example of his own. "Thank you for the compliment, as well as the help you're giving her... As for the meeting... I think I'll catch up when Zayne does, I'm already late, I might as well just stick around to help out in case any side-effects of wherever she went come around." [/quote] Zayne laughed softly, grabbing her head in pain when she felt sharp pains of a result. After recovering from the short headache she smiled a bit. 'Yes, Father wouldn't be happy if that happened.' she said, glancing at Ryan again. She nodded at Exodus when he spoke about a check-up. 'I can't exactly move yet right now, but I'll gladly comply when I can again.' she said. With a lot of effort she managed to grab the two pills and put them in her mouth, swallowing them quickly. 'the Citadel? Phew, that's a while ago.' she said, She looked back at Ryan and smiled. 'You don't have to stay if you want to go to the meeting. I don't think I'll be up soon enough to catch it anyway.' she said. She smiled a bit. 'But thank you for the offer though.'