[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] Kasim found it a rather interesting experience to watch his own predictions come true. He stood on the bridge, watching Eins stare into the mirror. "I fucking warned her." His mutter was equal parts shock and awe. "I told her so, didn't I? People who get ahead of the group always end up setting off traps and waking up monsters, that's what I said. Look at her, trapped like a fly in honey." He was grinning at this point, pleased by his burgeoning skills in prognostication. First the bottomless pit, now this. The stories were always right, it seemed. That came as no great surprise to Kasim, not really, but he was starting to feel like he understood those people in the old religious stories, the ones who had believed in their god their whole life and suddenly found themselves facing their lord made flesh. It was exhilarating. His heart was racing and he was sure his face was flushed. Metaphors comparing his current feelings to sex fluttered through his mind, but he discarded them as quickly as they arrived. As he was turning to say more to the others to praise his own accomplishment, Kasim saw Eins finally move. Disappointed though he was that she'd saved herself, some strange sound coming from her direction seemed more important to focus on at the moment. His face scrunched up in perplexity for just a moment before another beaming grin burst forth. "Monsters! I called that too!" Kasim couldn't see them yet, just Eins running back toward them, but it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. He'd seen something that looked like a spider in that vision he got when reading the dwarf's mind, the Underdark was known to be home to the things, and here was just the kind of chittery-skittery sound stories struggled to describe accurately when talking about the creatures, so it was probably some spiders. They'd probably be big ones too, if they could take down dwarves. Although he'd never shot a spider with an arrow, Kasim figured they'd go down just like anything else. He hurried to ready his bow and an arrow, and he had one nocked by the time Eins spun back round to face the threat. She was blocking most of the doorway from his point of view, but odds were the things would spread out and try to encircle her. Kasim stepped over to the right side of the bridge and took up his shooting stance. He drew the arrow back as far as it would go, his bicep straining against his close-fitting shirt as he held it ready. Whenever Kasim shot, he made sure his strength was in it and the arrow dug as deep into its target as possible. Whatever creature he saw come into clear view on Eins's right side first would be the lucky recipient of his attentions from afar. Though he didn't consciously realize it, the grin was still plastered on Kasim's face as he waited to fire.