The OOC: [url=] Greetings, all. I am an avid Star Wars roleplayer, and have GMed many Star Wars roleplays in my time. I even GMed a roleplay to completion on the original RPG, and would like to find that same success here. However, while normally I propose a single plot and people sign up for it, I would like to try a different approach now, where I propose several plots and allow people to vote for which they would prefer, in order to have the most user-friendly and user-popular outcome, with the most player interaction as possible. So please, if you are interested, please rank the plots in the order in which you would like to participate in them. If there are enough votes, I would not be opposed to running two. -Large-scale conflict: The New Republic and Empire are struggling over a key star system. A number of roles can be played on the ground, in the air, in space, and in the background. This would be run roughly in the 4 ABY-6ABY timeframe, so a maximum of 1 Jedi/Dark Jedi per side would be allowed. Expect massive troop movements, big, sweeping political actions, and a lot of intrigue. -Small-scale conflict: The Empire is planning something sinister, something which would help turn the tide of the war against the New Republic but at the cost of millions of innocent lives. Is it worth it? Play a Republic agent trying to stop it, an Imperial brutally trying to execute it, or someone caught in the middle, unsure of what to do. Again, same timeframe as above and same restrictions on Jedi/Dark Jedi. -Scum and Villainy: We are the seedy underworld of the Star Wars universe. We live for profit, be it by smuggling, murder, or bounty hunting. We find ourselves struggling not only to make a quick credit, but also to save our lives when a series of deals finds us on the wrong side of our employer, and the law. -Sandbox: Either taking place in a custom sector, or in the Corporate Sector, a freeform roleplay where you can be any number of characters doing any number of things, supporting any faction you wish. Looser restrictions on Jedi and Dark Jedi, this will take place in 15 ABY.