Name: Melon (Human undercover name. Real name undisclosed) Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Regalnian Random descriptors: Short light green hair, bright blue eyes, pale, slim, elf-like in attractiveness Character Tier: Intermediate Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant Physical Description: He looks like a slender human boy with short, semi-spiky light green hair and pale skin. His eyes are a very bright blue, almost appearing to glitter. Like his body his pale face is also slim. Some people would find him quite attractive, but he has more of the mysterious looking face rather then any rugged handsomeness. People might compare him to how elves tend to look, but as a child. For mannerisms he's often using the proper poster while at rest, his back straight and his hands clenched lightly together at his waist. He does head tilts quite often, especially when he's intently examining or is otherwise interested in something. When he wishes to emote then he's very expressive in his actions, only subdued when he's in this concentrating state, which sometimes causes him to absent mindedly make "hmmmmmmmmm..." sounds. Where he comes from the person space is much smaller, so he often stands closer to others then two humans would. Personality Description: He's very outgoing, charismatic, playful, and open to new things. His main flaw is his mischievousness, playing pranks and getting into things he shouldn't. Due to anime being unintentionally broadcast into space, this was one of his first contacts with human culture, making him believe that being "kawaii" (cute) was the proper way to react in social situations. Therefore, a lot of his actions might make him seem rather gay coming from a male, but he's only gay in the original term for happy (this might be further cause for confusion of people ask him if he's gay). He does "love" everyone, but is only physically attracted to women in a romantic way, even if it might seem otherwise with his friendly antics. He dislikes killing so he only uses weapons that can only incapacitate. He believes that everyone deserves a second chance and has good in them. He's very naive and kind of dense, but mostly in matters he doesn't understand such as certain aspects of human culture, although through his mandatory Earth Study course before traveling there he does know the basics. Skills, powers and abilities: [hider=Click Me!] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] (Low) He is similar to a human with more mobility by around 10% but less physical strength and durability by about 15% then the average human. In fact he's pathetically weak, even among his own kind, often needing people to help open jars for him, for example. This is the bane of his existence, him never being able to get through certain child proofing locks and the like without an adult's help. [b]Intellect-[/b] (Low) Although smart, he doesn't know how all his technology works besides a very rudimentary level (pull the trigger, make energy pop out). Of course due to the schools he went to having more knowledge of the universe and it's workings so does he, but he never took any advanced courses because they made his head hurt. Just because there's more knowledge at his disposal doesn't mean his brain is any more adept at handling such complex things. He would do quite well in earth science courses, though, and is a fast learner compared to humans. [b]Weapon Training-[/b] (Low) He has training in all the weapons he has on him, but not any serious military training. [b]Telekinesis/Telepathic-[/b] (Low) His race is naturally telekinetic and telepathic, although in the later case only among members of his own race and at the distance of a couple of miles away. His telekinetic ability is strong enough to allow him to lift only as strong as his natural lifting ability but at a range of up to 87 meters and only if he can see it. People can struggle out of it just as easily as if he was physically grabbing them. [/hider] Character Equipment: He got all of his equipment from his home planet, a highly advanced civilization. His parents are wealthy, his dad a business executive and her mother a doctor, and they both spoil him with whatever he desired to start his adventure in "saving the galaxy". [hider=Click Me!] [b]Head:[/b] (Low) White fluffy cap made out of fibers. [b]Body:[/b] (Low) Something like [url=]this[/url]. It can insulate his body and protect it areas with vast pressure differences if he also puts on a helmet. [b]Hands:[/b] (Intermediate) White gloves with small glowering pads on the fingertips. They record data upon touch into a small chip on the back of the hand. They are able to scan the entire object (no larger then the size of a typical building, in which case it would have to scan it in chunks) and builds a 3-d image of it as if it sent x-rays through the object. They can also scan so sensitively that it can read DNA and check for poisons, viruses, etc. All of this finer detail requires around 5 seconds to scan, while simple 3-d images of the larger structures can be done at a tap. [b]Feet:[/b] (Low) White knee high boots with a slight heel to them not enough to disrupt walking, and the heels are not at a point, more like just a elevated portion of the sole of the boot. They have small devices inside that, when clicking his heels against the ground, can allow for a discharge of electricity of up to 800,000 volts on the next impact such as a kick, but it does not have enough amps to be lethal. He could alter it to be more powerful if desired but he does not, especially if it makes it lethal. His natural walking can recharge the battery up to full in 5 minutes at a brisk walking speed. If he only recharges half that amount then the attack would just be 400,000 volts. [b]Stun Ray-[/b] (Intermediate) It fires off yellow glowing circles at speeds of 100 miles an hour that can stun a normal human at a distance of up to 12 feet away, armor having little effect against this unless magically protected or advanced shielding. If taken effect with a hit on the central nervous system then it will knock the target out for roughly a minute on it's default 1 shot every 5 seconds setting, although at full power can send them off to la la land for up to an entire hour. However, this shot requires a charge time of 20 seconds and overloads the gun so it can't be used again for that hour. Glancing blows (any hit not on the central nervous system), even at full power, would just numb the area for a bit. [b]Deflection Baton-[/b] (High) Glowing light blue energy comes out of the handle to form a baton with a length of up to 2 feet, but he can make it smaller if desired. It's capable of repelling almost any objects that touches it, physical or magical, as if the touching object has to fight against a powerful cushion of air, and it takes away 90% of the recoil that he would experience by taking the hit. Upon pushing a button it can act like the stun ray, but only within a 1 foot range that extends in all directions. Because it has to hit their central nervous system to take effect in knocking someone out, as long as he keeps it at a proper distance he will only have a numb arm for a couple of seconds. [b]Freeze Ray-[/b] (Intermediate) Capable of inclosing a human sized target in a layer of ice in 5 seconds of continued freezing. It leaves whatever is inside the ice layer both warm and alive, only being effected by way of having ice over their joints to prohibit maneuverability. He can fire continuously for a minute before running out of fuel, a special gas found in a round container at the back of the weapon. If you burst this container then everything instantly freezes within a 5 foot radius in an uncontrolled manner. Luckily the container can withstand the damage of all modern weaponry outside of powerful/lucky gunshots or stronger. It can be tampered with by intentionally removing a seal on it, which makes it go off with any sufficient impact, and can be detached from the gun to be flung like a grenade. He'd never use this against live targets because it would likely be lethal if immediate medical attention is not given. [b]Mechanical Lullaby-[/b] (Intermediate) A small device plays a series of high pitched notes when flipped on, and upon hearing it and focusing on it for 10 seconds will make you drowsy, and 30 seconds will put most people to sleep. It even works on him, so he has to be incredibly careful when he uses it not to focus on the sounds. He can flip the device back off before it's too late. [b]Marshmallow-[/b] (Intermediate) Appears similar to [url=]this[/url] but without the face or other coloring and glowing light blue pads underneath the wings. It's a device that can hover around and fly at speeds up to 100 miles an hour. He had stand on it to surf it through the air. Although levitation would seem to require a lot of energy, it never seems to run out. [b]Personal Deflection Shield-[/b] (Intermediate) A device as large as a backpack and worn like one as well. One turned on it activates the shield automatically upon high intensity projectile attacks. Basically, that means that anything gun related or stronger will trigger the shield while magical, melee, or weak ranged such as throwing a softball won't. It can withstand around three direct hits from bazooka rockets before failing. Even if it withstands an attack it will still lose energy, so even a bunch of pistol shots would eventually take it down. It can only recharge completely after 3 hours. [b]Cammo Emitter-[/b] (Intermediate) A device strapped around his abdomen like a belt. It bends light around his entire body, causing him to blend in to his surrounds. If he moves the image flickers and distorts. It runs out after 3 minutes of constant use and requires 10 minutes to completely charge. [b]Healing Shot-[/b] (Intermediate) A small gun-like device that can press against a wound and shoot in a healing agent capable of closing most wounds in a white foam in seconds, stopping the bleeding and sticking the tissue back together. This is only for emergency closure and should be used as a permanent healing method. A large would require using an entire vial, which he can then remove and insert another vial, of which he has three spares and one in the "gun". [b]Hacker-[/b] (Intermediate) It looks like a usb. The tip can meld into electronics and begin to cause them to go haywire or even turn to his command, but the process can be interrupted upon tearing the Hacker back out. It often takes 5 minutes to take command unless there was little to no protection software, and about 3 minutes to simply make it go haywire. [b]Invisible Pocket-[/b] (Intermediate) Wonder how he can store all of his tech in the weapons and item category? They can be sucked into a small device on his wrist in a flash of light and then phasing in or out of existence within 3 seconds, sending it too and form another dimension at the push of a button, capable of containing 8 different nonliving objects. He does not need to put the small devices into this that can fit in his pockets, which is the Mechanical Lullaby, the spare vials for his healing shot, and the hacker. He keeps one spot open in case he comes across something he simply must have. [/hider] Character History: Born on the home world of the Regalnian, Regalantia, he lived a typical childhood for a spoiled only child. He got picked on because of this at school, but being a pacifist he never fought back, making it all the easier for bullies to target him. He knew people all around the galaxy and beyond had it much worse then him, being killed without being able to defend themselves. He was eventually able to peacefully convince the bullies to see the error of their ways and their lives were reformed for the better, so he was inspired to try out his technique all over the universe, not knowing that not everyone would give in as easily as the Regalnian children who had bullied him. He wanted to change the universe in any way that he could, even if it's just a little bit at the time to make life better, even if he could convince just one criminal to see the error of their ways and improve themselves and their environment because of it.