Jurgen smiled as Eve agreed to his suggestion. She was a very co-operative robot, and he appreciated that. None of this would have worked out if the android was any more independent. Those experiments never worked out. But that wasn't something to worry about now. They were just going home to deal with groceries. Then Eve started asking about the sky city. The cyborg was confused for a moment until he realized what she was talking about. "Oh, yeah, that... The rich bastards that ruined the earth and made it look like this built their own floating city to get away from all of us poor folk." he explained. "Even if you make it big down here, it's almost impossible to get up there." he explained. "Only a handful of the most powerful every got up there once it took off. And half of them came back. It must be pretty fucked up there or something..." he shrugged, "I don't really care, though. They're probably all assholes anyway." he shook his head as they kept walking. He didn't even like thinking about it. Partly because he was jealous of what they had, but mostly because he was angry with them, for thinking they were any better than anyone else. And everyone up there now wouldn't even have earned their privileges. By now it was almost certain that everyone who lived there, had been born there. None of them had earned a god-damned thing. But that didn't matter. He shrugged it off and thought about other things. He had some money now, and he had his rent paid, and food in his hover-cart on the way to the table. Things were good enough...