[center][b]Here Cometh the Wolves[/b][/center] --- [b]Clan H'risshrii – Saul and Rexel[/b] As Saul enters the sandstone building, he would instantly notice the great sunken pits in all four corners with large lit coal pits at their center and metal grills overtop them with meat roasting. It was, for the most part, the only illumination not at the center of the expansive room. It lit up lizardfolk all stirring to attention and looking at the intruding humans in their midst. However, that seemed to be where the most of the activity was... For in the center of the room was a large sunken ring with lit torches held up about its perimeter. The only thing that would draw his attention from the battle-scoured and blood-stained floor before him, was the only elevated feature in the room... Directly across from him, atop a stone daise was a pile of lush pillows and streaming silk banners marked with the symbol of the clan. The only way to truly describe the pillow arrangement, perhaps, was a throne of comfort erected for [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs24/f/2008/022/2/8/Iguana_Warrior_Colored_by_edcomics.jpg]a single figure[/url] lounging lazily in solid beams of sunlight cut into astrological symbols. A throaty rumble comes from him as a lizardwoman traces over his clawed hands. Tension buzzes throughout the room as the lizards quietly slink and spread their claws and part their razor-teeth decorated jowls, with what might appear to Saul as discolored saliva dripping off their fangs. Rexel tenses, hand beginning to descend to his weapon once more in fright. However, the guard who let them in remains passive until a small, lanky albino lizardman limps forward, mouth spread into a wide smile. His buggy eyes dart about the place, seeing things that were not there as he clenches his staff. The guard remains quiet for a time before the [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/202/f/a/Albino_Lizardman_Shaman_by_JWilsonIllustration.jpg]shaman[/url]'s eyes suddenly snap to and focus upon Saul. It was almost impossible for the shaman's eyes to go wider, but upon seeing Saul, he somehow managed it. The vast expanse of red flickers over Saul's entire being before a high-pitched shrill cry leaves him, only to continue in a similar manner as he talks in a detached manner, “Warrior! WARRIOR! Nooooo, no no no no, a Leeeeeader! A LEADER YESSSS! Meant for great thingsss GREAT THINGSSS! But human, human human, how weak, WEAK! Sssseee tragedy, death, suffering... Demons.... DEMONS?! WHERE?!” He shrieks and darts to the side, looking around frightfully as he quivers and raises his skulled staff to strike at an invisible being. “No... Not here, not here, not yet...” He rocks from side to side, humming a high, nasally song before tapping his staff down, “Why is human here, Que'la'quin?” The lizard guard straightens up and peers down at the small shaman. “He come about night-killer. Think H'risshrii be.... sssset up, maybe?” He rolls his shoulders disinterestedly and looks at the Clansmaster who had begun to stir at the shrieking of the clan's shaman. “He want talk Varro.” A shudder runs down the shaman's spine, from skull to tail. Suddenly, he is hopping from foot to foot as if standing upon one of the coal pits. “NO NO NO! VARRO NOT WELL! I WILL HELP HIM! HELP HIM BACK! NO OUTSSSIDER!” A deep rumble comes, as if the stirring of a dragon itself before fading into an exasperated hiss, [b]“Enough, A'dissis. I will talk with this human 'leader' so bold as to seek us out, in the heart of [i]our[/i] land.”[/b] The Clansmaster straightens up, a large hulking figure in the shadows, save for the dancing stars and moon signs dancing over his muscled chest. [b]“Come, Smoothskin warrior. I am S'biss, Clansmaster of H'risshrii. Speak with me,”[/b] the booming voice of the Clansmaster commands. The shaman A'dissis attempts to quiet himself, and it appeared to be a visible struggle for him. So much so that he utters a squeak, only to clamp his scrawny arms full around his mouth to seal off any further noise. *** [b]Pack Denebir – Jellial and Esyllt[/b] The pack thinned as they went, to which Maylene merely explained them as the forward scouts going out. It would seem most of the ones in bestial form were gone now, save for a diminutive rat man, whom they had briefly been introduced formally as [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/079/2/e/2ed56ff95772d6f5484311a99d08900d.jpg]Pustin Stain the Infested[/url]. However, everyone seemed satisfied to just call him Pinkie. Out of the corner of his eyes, Jellial could see the rat-figure glaring daggers at him... before promptly getting into a one of many fits of scratching and cursing. The infested title certainly made sense, now... Though, fleas may be the least of the creature's worries considering the overpowering perfume of the sewer he had to be wearing. It was terrible even to Esyllt, yet Maylene seemed to just ignore it as if it was nothing. After a few more twists and turns, Esyllt would get the distinct feeling as if they had already passed this area not once but several times already. But, it would seem Maylene had finally called for a stop. For a moment, she stares at Jellial, giving him apologetic smile before gesturing for Pustin to go off. Pustin casts one final glare at Jellial before scurrying off into the light shadows between buildings... Only to immediately begin to scale the walls as if it were nothing. The could not hear or see where the rat had gone or what he was up to, but quickly enough, he hops off the top of the building and lands beside Maylene, looking up at her with a wide fanged grin, “You were right, they were not alone. The scouts found a few sneaky tails following, but they are dealt with.” He chortles, small pink clawed hands itching at his snout, “They will not find the den so easily, following fools.” Maylene raps him upside the head for the last comment before nodding to the partially collapsed building before them, “We go in here... I hope you two are not squeamish in small, dark places... Pustin and a few of the others are awful savvy when it comes to tunneling and subterranean navigation... and there is a whole system below Port Luclin we can move about undetected. No need to ruffle feathers of the locals when we can get anywhere we want from there.” She was not lying when she talked about tunneling. The first leg of the journey began in the backroom of the house, hidden behind broken debris of furniture... A simple, corroded ladder lead them down, where they dropped into a small cavern... with low-ceilinged tunnels in three directions. Pustin looks about, eyes glittering in delight to be back in the dark before moving about and sniffing each tunnel. He quirks his head to the side before baring his teeth, “Someone's been down, aside from pack.” Maylene shrugs and waves him off dismissively, “We've never been able to keep all the vagrants out, you know this, it is nothing new.” Pustin lets out a low snarl before sighing in acquiesce. “He is protective of the Underground. He lead the project years ago to connect the sewers and create new passages. We thought it was mad at first, but seeing things build up as they have, all the racial tension... Well, we might not be on the receiving end of this hatred... but before too long, we may not be able of moving about as freely as we once have. So, while we hope for the best, we cannot help but be thankful to the... more innovative and cynical of our kind, who have built up safe-havens across Tuleria.” Pustin's tail twitches proudly while he preens his whiskers before stopping, “Right, let us go. We are not far now...” The wererat feels over the wall before tapping just at a small groove in the shape of flared star, “If lost down here, these lead the way to the pack. Never get lost.... Well, usually. But some eat good on the remains.” He giggles at the last comment as Maylene grimaces at his comment before starting down the tunnel after the rat... It would seem none of them felt the need to light a torch. *** [b]Krikshar's Clinic – Laenaia, Shria, Bastian, James[/b] Perhaps James had been true to his world and was spanning the rooftops and crossing in shadows along the way, but Laenaia had not seen him since they left the outpost. Shria and Bastian had elected to stay together, seeing how the other two groups had left without them anyways. Now, they were accompanying Laenaia as her guide to the clinic. They were comfortable as they strolled through the streets, avoiding crowded areas. As they told Laenaia, they were also avoiding troublesome districts and territories of various small factions as they went too. This, seemed to be the case as they reached the clinic with no issues. It was a modest sized building of imported wood painted white. Across the front were several small raised flower boxes with plants of various areas and types well tended. Above the door hung an outstretched sign with a painted winged pole with twin snakes wound about it. It was unmistakable, it was a doctor's clinic. The fine glass panes were open and from outside, Laenaia could see a series of hospital beds. Only two were occupied. A middle-aged woman tended to the pair as they writhe and cry out in agony. In their twisting pain, Laenaia can make out that one might be a small scrawny child and the other a human woman. Perhaps a mother and son afflicted by the same illness? Shria and Bastian hesitate, looking in with sympathetic eyes, but eventually focusing on the child with an angry hiss. “We cannot go in,” Bastian says simply, plopping down onto the sandy path outside the clinic. Shria hesitates before shaking her head, “Perhaps you may not, but I shall. I am not fearful of the little folks.” Her gaze darts to Laenaia, “Little desert tribesmen... Tinkerers... Gnomes you smoothskins call them?” She shakes her head and begins to walk into the clinic, “It was long ago, and we are not purebloods anyway. Why he holds [i]so[/i] strongly to lizardfolk tradition when we are... Not accepted, I do not know.” Inside, the lobby of the clinic was made to be comfortable for those who must wait outside. Large worn leather couches were along one wall with a dining table near the other. Shria hesitates, looking about the room, “The good doctor, he might be in the back room. Usually he is otherwise tending his patients or resting in here... He may have been brought a new victim. Should we wait or go check?” she appeared uncertain. Laenaia could logically draw that Shria was not comfortable at being in charge.