Upon hearing the words "Let him go", the Elsa shadow jumped off Jack and lunged itself into the student. Jack, out of blind instinct, threw an ice wall between them, stopping the shadow from reaching the student. "Go get Pitch! Hurry." Jack turned on a light, using his magic to illuminate the cavern, the light showed shadow creatures crawling all up and around the cavern. Each creature the shape of an animal or monster, crawling towards them like bugs. Jack throw more ice walls up, hoping to slow them down. At the center of the cavern an enormous beast could be seen, stretching a black aura into the back of all the creatures. [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/019/4/4/The_Abyss_Worm_by_super_sheep.jpg] It stood at the center of the cave using it's zombies as it's eyes. It's scales covered it's snake like body in a black cacoon. It was corrupted by a darkness, enchanted by a magic it shouldn't be born with. Jack didn't flinch. "Hurry!" Jack yelled to the student.