Beatrix put the smoking pipe into her mouth as she watched people try out samples of her work, however her peace was soon interrupted by Measha rushing up to the front, asking about where he may find the guild master. With a deep breath she leaned onto the counter and blow a bellow of magical smoke at him, which got tougher and tougher until it was like trying to move in thick spiders webs. "I am the guild master here Measha. Beatrix Fairglaive. I also run the bar and magical shop here" The smoke did not last long at all. More a magical novelty than anything else. "Anyway, what makes you want to join this place? IF you have pride and all." She smirked and continued to have a smoke while listening to his answer. --- The bandits were being beaten back by the small group, even so Kyojin was being stun locked by the boy mage and his rather powerful magic. He got off a few shots but when Orion reached him and pulled out his weapon from him, Kyojin panicked and fell backwards onto the ground cover his face, the impact of his fall causing the mask to fall from him and bounce along the ground. showing the mask to be nothing more than painted wood. "I-I don't know! We just got reports of some old guy beating up our boyz!" This man was not Kyojin it seemed, for one his mask fell off and his inablity to fight was another. This man was no where near the level to fight on the same level as a Saint. --- Orin grabbed onto his sister and tossed her across the street to land in a stall for selling carpets. The girl was still stunned by the words of the very people they had come to help, which was no surprise... Raising his hand Orin caught the tower shield that was thrown to him before slamming one end into the ground for cover before saying "Chain armor!" Chains burst from his shackles and formed around the shield, keeping it against his arm as he took the brunt of the shots. When the make shift bag was thrown over the enemy it was blasted out of the sky out of fear it was a bomb, however as it turned out it was a trap! Kaldis' plan worked and it rained down wooden caltropes onto the enemy, but due to them standing still they did not get too harms... That was until "CHAIN SURPRISE!" Slamming one hand into the ground chains burst from the ground, slamming into several mobsters and sending them onto the ground, and in turn the caltropes, causing them to yelp out in comical pain! Creating a sort of bridge with some of the chains, Orin looked over to Kaldis. "I will take care of these. You need to go and take out their boss!"