[b]First Blow[/b] – [i]Alexander Lyre[/i] The last zombie fell with a satisfying crunch of bone as the skull exploded. He gave a quick tight grin and it faded at the sound of bolts ripping through the air. He spun around in time to look at the see the multitude scatter across the air, and only two managed to splinter across the stone hide. Worse, Wren was staring at the thing, analyzing the monster. Which sadly meant she had no good way to kill it either, after the demon’s spectacular failure. The gecko stared at him. Its lifeless eyes sent a slight shudder of revulsion down his spine. The water splashing harmlessly off the gargoyle snapped his gaze back on target, and the monster chuckled horribly, before taking to the air and slamming into the Maher. He flew past Alex and landed with a wet thump. Alex snarled and checked the air for their erstwhile [i]friend[/i]. Nothing showed in a quick glance, and Thalien dashed towards the injured man groaning on the ground. Alex raised the left pistol. "[i]Alex,[/i]" she called as she passed, "[i]Aim for the face! Keep it distracted, try to blind it.[/i]" ,Alex could hear her say, "Blessed be the Twins," The lucky bastard managed to live, and Alex took a steadying breath. It adrenaline coursing through his veins was starting to make him jittery, and he needed to keep rock steady hands to make sure he put a bullet in that things eyes. “Erasmus,” Alex called as he took a steadying step forward, and slid the right pistol back into the holster, “I got your back, keep that thing off me.” His right hand moved through a series mystical gestures, imbuing the bullet with a simple enchantment. Whatever it hit would be enveloped mystical shadows, although this spell definitely worked better at dusk, where the lighting tended to enhance the effect. Even in the middle of the day, it would work for a few moments. He lined up a shot on the monstrous head. [i]A good distraction, better with a bullet in the eye.[/i] He took a deep breath. “Oy, ugly!” Alex shouted, “I got a present for you!” Hopefully, the thing would look straight at him as the pistol barked again, another cloud of black smoke and heavy metal bullet on its way. His hand instinctively began a faster reload, the free hand expediting the process.