Amelia heard noises behind her, in the corridor. Growling, angry noises and unearthly shrieks. She turned to see what looked to be a large dark shadow moving towards her, eyes roiling about in the mass. Amelia turned and ran. She ran as fast as she could, panting. Where are the others?! She desperated, then she came to a dead end. "Poop," she cursed. The creatures were almost upon her. She turned to face the mass of darkness, trying desperately to think of a way to fend off these... things. Then, she smacked her head. "You idiot!" She shouted at herself. "You're a shapeshifter, you dimwit!" Amelia concentrated, thinking of something terrible, frightening, something that could keep most anything at bay- Amelia shifted into a dragon. She let loose a terrifying bellow, shaking the cave, then a blistering wave of flames.