((Can't edit my post for some reason. o-o)) Yoro struggled to stand up. "Grr..." The Shadow was still alive. Yoro walked over to it and quickly stabbed down on it with his epee. The Shadow let out what sounded like a whimper before evaporating into the air. Yoro then turned his attention to Youhei. He quickly walked over to him. "How badly are you hurt? Can you still fight?" This question might seem rather insensitive to some. It was as if Yoro was only concerned about Youhei's well-being only if it affected his combat ability. Yoro sighed and turned towards the door. "I don't think the others are coming. And Takahiro isn't responding to me. Looks like we're on our own." He paused, placing his Evoker in its holster and doing the same with his epee. "If my guess is correct, our target is one or two cars down. Maybe three." Just as Yoro spoke, an awful screeching filled the car. Then, they began to move. The train then lurched forward, speeding up quickly. "Son of a..." He offered Youhei his hand. "Quickly, we have to beat that Shadow. I think it's controlling the train. I would prefer we beat it BEFORE we crash into someone and die." Once Youhei took Yoro's hand or stood up, Yoro would run through the door. The Shadow they were looking for wasn't there, but two more were. From the Shadows they had managed to categorize, they appeared to be of the "Maya" type. They were the weakest. Yoro drew his epee, striking out at any Shadow that got too close. With Youhei hopefully behind him, he entered the front car. Yoro began to sweat. This Shadow was HUGE... it looked almost human too. It took on the appearance of a woman in white robes. Yoro drew his Evoker. "Ares!" He pulled the trigger, Ares materializing behind him. It was a little too late though. The Priestess let out a twisted giggle and raied her hand, tracing something in the air with her finger before pointing at Ares. Just then, a giant bolt of lightning struck Ares, causing master and Persona to cry out in agony before falling to one knee.