This time Jurgen spoke up. He caught on to Eve's plan apparently. As long as people were willing to fight her, she was fine with beating them all up. Plus, with this they would already have 60 credits. "Bring it!" She exclaimed as the two drunkards moved opposite of her. Both charged at the same time, which made it all the more easy to beat them for her. This time Eve did dodge. And for one simple reason. The two drunks crashed into each other and both fell to the ground. She smirked again, turning around and grabbed one by the neck. He had some reinforcements there so she wouldn't have to worry about crushing his throat. "Geez...I had hoped for a slightly better fight than this." Then she threw him against the other guy, whom had tried to get up again. Then, to add insult to injury she decided to sit right on top of both of them, and take out a cigarette. Then, as she lit it she told the two to pay up. "40 bucks...give it now or I'll kick your ass some more and take it then." The two men, groaning and winching, handed over the cash. They were drunk, stupid and angry. But they apparently did know when there was just no way they could win. After a few seconds of silence finally the same person that had yelled 'Fight!' spoke up again. "Are you an arena fighter or something?" Eve shook her head as she puffed out some smoke. "Nope...I was only activated today, actually." "But you said--" Another guy wanted to ask, but Eve interrupted her. "I lied! So what?" Once again there was silence. Several guys wanted to fight her, but also knew that they had no chance. Considering how she had just taken out the strongest guys in the bar. "Anyway, I was planning to enter the arena soon, so how about you all bet on me? I'm sure you can all make some money that way, right?" This was Eve's plan finally coming to fruition. She didn't want to turn a whole bar against her, since these were the people she was going to shave the neighbourhood with. "Look out for me in the arena, place your bets on me, and I guarantee you'll have enough credits to drink to your heart's content!" Everyone was confused, but also thinking about her 'offer'. Some were discussing the option, even. Saying such things as "She's strong, that's for sure..." and "She can probably take the lower ranked fighters, right?"