[b][center]Name[/b][/center] [center]Michiko Hashimoto[/center] [b][center]Alias in the DgtWld[/b][/center] [center]Fox[/center] [b][center]Age[/b][/center] [center]22[/center] [b][center]Average Appearance[/b][/center] [hider=Average Appearance][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131021053341/narutofanon/images/f/f1/Fushimi_saruhiko_by_senrikurenai-d5i5xkv.jpg][/hider] [b][center]Corrector Appearance[/b][/center] [hider=Corrector Appearance][img=http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii198/lightningagito156/Final%20Fantasy%20Versus%20XIII%20Main%20Character/versus.jpg][/hider] [b][center]Weapon of Choice[/b][/center] [hider=Weapon of Choice][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130808221158/kingdomheartsfannon/es/images/5/53/Noctis_sword_r9_by_ninjawarrior720-d3e3d47.jpg][/hider] [center]Fox´s weapon of choice is a sword with an engine built into its hilt. Despite it´s appearance, Fox wields it with great agility as his fighting style is based on it. The data feed for the sword adjusts some attributes of the sword like piercing/cutting power, weight - basic abilities of every sword. Fox´s fighting style is dominated by swift, agile movements as his body is more built for that style of combat - he lacks in raw strength.[/center] [b][center]Cell Phone[/b][/center] [hider=Cell Phone]][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Rrw76oIzA8s/Um4KZzt50XI/AAAAAAAAC88/yQT-qg6BwG0/s1600/Samsung+Galaxy++wrist+watch%5B28%5D.jpg][/hider] [b][center]Personality[/b][/center] Michiko is a person who views the world from two viewpoints at once - both from the viewpoint of logic and feeling, making him an [b]open minded thinker[/b] who can offer several viewpoints on one situation. Also, this fact combined with his great interest in numbers and mathematics makes him a very [b]quick minded[/b] person who can solve problems while knowing the basic facts. This also means that he is sometimes [b]hard to approach[/b] as he can jump to conclusions quickly. However, once he sees he was wrong, his [b]humble[/b] personality makes him apologize for anything that might happened because of his thinking. Once he opens himself to somebody, he will do everything to protect and help the said person, making him very [b]protective and caring[/b] about the ones he cares about. Also, his [b]stubborn[/b] personality makes dealing with a nussance sometimes. [b][center]Background[/b][/center] Michiko was born to Akane Hashimoto and Richard Douglas, both workers in the Samsung company whom met at a company event in Osaka, Japan. Richard moved into Osaka a year after the events to pursuit his dream of having a family with Akane, and they settled down. Three years into their marriage, Michiko was born as their first and only son. His parents did the best to grant him the best childhood possible. They both took turns in spending time with the little boy who developed a strong attachment to his family, that deepened as the boy grow older. From a very young age, he was taught that if he wanted something, he had to work hard and prove it that he deserved it. This was the foundation of the person who will work hard to achieve his goals and dreams. He established the first friendships at the Osaka playgrounds, some of them turned out to be lasting friendships. Thanks to the way his parents raised him, he was also very humble from his early childhood. As years passed on, he attended the Nishi-Ku Elementary School in Osaka, the closest to their home. There, the boy showed great promise by easily mastering and progressing the lessons in school. He always did the homework on time, and sometimes he did a little extra work just to hone his skills. He preferred mathematics above other subjects, but he managed to pass them regardless. The friendships that endured from his early childhood still lasted, some of them even deepened. Years passed on and he continued to work hard for his goals. His humble personality kept developing - he was polite to the ones that he had a good relation with, but remained cold and arrogant towards the persons that disliked him for no reason. Years passesd on and on and before his parents realized, the young boy was about to finish the Elementary school. His next steps took him to the Osaka Junior High School. He continued to prove his knowledge in the field of early mathematics and counting, while at the same time he started to show some interest in more engineering oriented subjects like physics and information technologies. He created new friendships and continued to nurture older ones. His parents continued to pass on their knowledge onto their only son, who gladly accepted it and did his best to live his life as best as he could - for him, that was school, his family and friends. Here, Michiko started to really immerse himself into mathematics counting, with a little bit of physics and IT subjects, and he already made up his mind for his next step in education. The next step arrived faster than he anticipated, as he graduated from the Osaka High School six years. His next steps took him to the Osaka University of Technologies. He was seventeen when he started his first year at the university. At this point in his life, he was approached by the Government with an offer he had no option to refuse - to become a Corrector, a fighter of cyber crime in the digitized world. Without the option to refuse, Michiko accepted the offer and took on his new job with great enthusiasm. New challenges and duties were a welcomed change into his life, but it also had some downsides. The beginnings were hard for the boy who progressed High School with little to no problems. He had issues with understanding the new, complex things presented to him and the communication between him and the teachers was on the freezing point. Not to mention, his work was not going well with his sleep regime, so he was in a state of constant tiredness. He struggled for a few weeks and then he decided to change his approach and things changed by themselves in school. He picked up a steady pace of understanding and mastering the subjects via hard work and communicating with his teachers, despite his secret life as a Corrector. He was never the most popular and he never wanted to be one, so he partially isolated himself from his classmates, only spending time with them when necessary. Despite this attitude, he made some good friends with similar mindsets and they get along pretty nicely. Little did he knew how much will the Government change his life two years later. After going to the Gvn office, they told him of his new assignment and how it will change things for him. The Government arranged his transfer to the Tokyo National University for Mathematics and Information Technologies due to his " outstanding capabilities " in the fields of study of the University. This made his parents very proud about him, and changed the boy´s life even more. He managed to handle the lack of sleep that came with the increasing frequency of jobs by working as hard as ever - he successfully does both of his roles without raising any suspicions for him being anything else that a really hard working student. The new surroundings gave him the freedom he needed, and he really find himself in his job as a Corrector - something that manifested in his real life as well. He heads into the new year with great excitement, eager to find out what awaits him. [center][b]Some Info I need your input on[/b] It would be nice for Michiko to know his fellow Correctors, or at least some of them. They are in one job, and might have worked together in the past. Even met personally. Not that much, but I keep watching and responding in it as the talk there develops. I can be as active as my schedule allows me. I am an university student so it is really shifting, but I think I can find a few spare minutes for a post. I hope you are doing great, are you ?[/center]