I'll check out the two finished character sheets tonight, I've decided since I've done all my errands and nothing is on tv tonight, that the rest of the day is meant to be dedicated to the Guild. :3 So I'll be editing THIS post with the feedback. FEEDBACK & SHIT: @SVK: Everything seem okay save for the last paragraph of your character, I'll need some clarification. So you're having him been recruited to Tokyo as a Corrector at the usual age, yes? So if that is the case and if he's been in Tokyo ever since he started, then the characters who are there, should know your character. *nods* I could assume the reason for bringing him from Osaka (and not leaving him there) would be that Osaka is kind of a small pond with little activity and he'd be more useful in Tokyo? Am I safe to assume so? And for his weapon, since he is a higher rank, he can have a bit more freedom with it, considering if he's used it from year one, I could say his handling of the weapon is pretty good. Even so, you'll need to give me some more specifics as to how much the weapon weighs, how durable is it? What can it cut through? Does it have anything else to it? Like the element of fire or something like that? Considering he's more of a "nerd" than a "jock" how does he stay fit enough to wield a hand held weapon? Why wouldn't he pick a skill like healing or defense if he's sort of humble/ intelligent? Just some things I'm wondering, other than a few questions I'd like answered, he looks good. :3 @Krauxis: Okay, i think it looks good to me. (finally amirite?) So you're approved. Let me put that in the first page so I don't forget! @Suspect: What you linked me to hasn't been edited in two months? Did you put it elsewhere...? I think I covered what I needed to cover right? I'll be editing the first post now, with links to who HAS been approved, if you're not there, let me know and we can figure out if I missed something of if you have anything else to tweak. ;3